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domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

¿Qué es la anorgasmia femenina?

Menos de un tercio de las mujeres tienen orgasmos consistentemente en la actividad sexual.

28 de agosto de 2013
12:00 a.m.
doctora Rosimar Torres-León
La doctora Rosimar Torres-León, ginecóloga y especialista en Medicina Restaurativa y “Anti-Aging”, con práctica privada en La Torre Médica de Plaza Las Américas, ofrecerá consejos de salud femenina todos los miércoles.
Por Rosimar Torres-León, MD
El orgasmo es una sensación de un placer físico intenso que es acompañado de contracciones involuntarias y rítmicas en los músculos del piso pélvico. Algunas mujeres sienten contracciones o sensaciones en el útero durante el orgasmo, mientras que otras no,  la descripción y la percepción puede ser muy diferente.
Los orgasmos pueden variar en intensidad y frecuencia, y en la cantidad de estimulación que cada mujer necesita para llegar a uno. Menos de un tercio de las mujeres tienen orgasmos consistentemente en la actividad sexual. 
Anorgasmia es el término médico para la dificultad de llegar a un orgasmo luego de estimulación sexual, lo cual causa un problema o “distress” a la persona. Es muy común en la población femenina y afecta a más mujeres de las que se reportan usualmente en la literatura.    
Existen  varios tipos de anorgasmia: anorgasmia primaria, que es en la que la mujer nunca ha experimentado un orgasmo. La anorgasmia secundaria, que  es aquella en la que la mujer ha experimentado orgasmos, pero en este momento tiene problemas para llegar a un “clímax”. Anorgasmia situacional es aquella en la que la mujer tiene la capacidad de llegar a un orgasmo solo en ciertas circunstancias, durante sexo oral o la masturbación. Esto es muy común en las mujeres. La mayoría de las mujeres experimentan orgasmos solo con la estimulación del área del clítoris. Y, por último, la anorgasmia general, que es aquella en la que la mujer no tiene la capacidad de tener un orgasmo en ninguna situación o con ninguna pareja sexual. 
El orgasmo es una reacción compleja de muchos factores: sicológicos, emocionales y físicos. Entre los factores sicológicos se pueden encontrar: problemas de ansiedad, depresión, ansiedad en el momento del acto sexual, presiones financieras, miedo de embarazos no deseados o de contraer enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles y creencias culturales y religiosas. También, el tipo de conexión con la pareja, los conflictos, las peleas, la infidelidad o la pobre comunicación de las necesidades y las preferencias sexuales son algunos de los factores más comunes. Las causas físicas pueden comprender: enfermedades, problemas ginecológicos, uso de alcohol, drogas y medicamentos, y el proceso de envejecimiento, que, en la mayoría de las veces, tiene que ver con cambios anatómicos, hormonales, neurológicos y circulatorios.   
Si la falta de orgasmos o la intensidad de los orgasmos es un síntoma que te molesta, debes consultarle a tu ginecóloga (o) sobre tu preocupación. Los aspectos en que se concentrará tu médico es en un historial completo y en un examen físico, entre otros.

Entre las modalidades de tratamiento que se pueden considerar como tratamiento de la anorgasmia están:
- Conocer mejor tu cuerpo.
- Entender en qué lugar es que te da más satisfacción sexual y comunicárselo a su pareja. 
- Aumentar la estimulación sexual, con diferentes posiciones sexuales o utilizando vibradores durante el acto sexual. 
- Buscar ayuda de un especialista en relaciones de pareja para resolver conflictos o tensiones. 
- Buscar ayuda de terapeutas sexuales en el momento en que todos los demás factores se han descartado.
Es de suma importancia reconocer que todas las mujeres no llegan a un orgasmo y que la mayoría puede tener placer y satisfacción sexual con una vida sexual saludable, lejos de temores y tabúes.

La autora es Board Certified, ginecóloga, cirujana y especialista en Medicina Restaurativa y “Anti-Aging”, con práctica privada en La Torre Médica de Plaza Las Américas, oficina 1210. Para información sobre Medicina Restaurativa, llama al 787-751-3326, extensión 3. Para ginecología, marca la extensión 1.

domingo, 9 de junho de 2013

´La autonomía del gozo sexual femenino sigue siendo inconcebible´

"El método Valérie" desarrolla un manual de seducción de la mujer: "Pone más una cabeza alta que un escote bajo"

09.06.2013 | 04:36
La escritora y sexóloga Valérie Tasso. // FdV
La escritora y sexóloga Valérie Tasso. // FdV

Sexóloga, escritora, tertuliana en televisión y radio, colaboradora en diferentes medios escritos y conferenciante en universidades, Valérie Tasso acaba de presentar "El método Valérie", en el que aborda los secretos y los entresijos de la seducción. "Seducir es sorprender cada día y mantener el suspense", dice Tasso (Francia, 1969) en su séptimo libro, un manual de seducción en el que si algo queda claro es que el asunto no es una cuestión de lencería fina ni de faldas cortas: "Pone más una cabeza alta que un escote bajo, no lo dudéis".
- ¿Cómo es posible que todavía haya personas, incluidos médicos e investigadores, que sostengan la existencia del orgasmo vaginal cuando está demostrado que se alcanza por la estimulación del clítoris?
- Tradicionalmente se ha buscado la justificación del coito. Y seguimos en el mismo punto de partida. El clítoris, órgano que "no sirve para nada más que para el placer", sigue siendo un gran desconocido. Y ya se sabe, lo que desconocemos nos suele dar pavor... Explicar que no existe el orgasmo vaginal es hacer tambalear los cimientos de nuestra sociedad, una sociedad falocéntrica y coitocéntrica.
- Del mismo modo, ¿cómo es posible que se dude de la existencia del punto G?
- No es que pongamos en duda la existencia del punto G, sino que explicamos su funcionalidad no desde la raíz del clítoris, sino desde la vagina. ¿El porqué? Me remito a mi primera respuesta. Se está intentando a toda costa preservar el coito como erótica principal de una interacción. La autonomía del gozo femenino, que por no requerir no requiere ni buenos ni malos amantes, sigue siendo inconcebible.
- En una clínica americana inyectan colágeno en el punto G para aumentar su tamaño y, al parecer, aumentar así el placer en la penetración.
- Ya expliqué en mi libro "El otro lado del sexo" lo que opino al respecto. Resumiendo, te diré que la localización del punto G no la facilita un mayor o menor volumen, sino una predisposición mental a gozar con su estimulación. No es un asunto fisiológico, sino de permisividad al gozo. Por cierto, el punto G no es un punto, es una amplia zona de muy fácil reconocimiento y que no requiere estudios de ginecología. Con relación al negocio de inyectar colágeno, ya sabemos que, hoy en día, más que liberadas sexualmente a las mujeres nos han convertido en consumidoras de elementos sexuales.
- El mensaje que recibe la mujer desde las revistas y la publicidad es que es algo defectuoso que hay que reparar con cremas, dietas y cirugías. ¿Cómo luchar contra esa enorme presión?
- Primero, hay que saber que la publicidad está en nuestra realidad social para decirnos lo que nos falta y no lo que tenemos. Y segundo, que, como te decía antes, la prioridad del mercado no es nuestra liberación, sino nuestro consumo. ¿Cómo luchar contra eso? De partida, sabiendo esto.
- El sexo es tan natural como el comer, pero muchas de sus cuestiones básicas son desconocidas. ¿Implantaría una asignatura en los institutos?
- El sexo es natural en los pulpos. En nosotros es una actividad infinitamente culturizada, fundamentalmente porque todo el peso moral al que lo hemos sometido ha llegado a través de la cultura. Eso explica que aproximadamente el noventa y cinco por ciento de los casos de anorgasmia no tenga una base orgánica. Sí, implantaría una asignatura impartida por sexólogos.
- ¿Se debería dar más importancia a la educación sexual en el colegio o cree que son los padres quienes deben educar en el sexo?
- La educación sexual es cuestión de todos. De hecho, la sexualidad es la personalidad del individuo y ¿quién la marca? ¿La escuela, los amigos, los padres, el cine? Lo que sucede hoy en día es que fundamentalmente se está abordando la sexualidad como una problemática. De ahí que las clases que se imparten a adolescentes se basen fundamentalmente en la prevención de riesgos y no en los valores sociales que conlleva el hecho de ser individuos sexuados.
- ¿Por qué las mujeres no hablan tan libremente de la masturbación?
- Por lo mismo que dije antes: el gozo femenino no puede ser autónomo, sino subsidiario de un elemento externo, normalmente un pene grande con un varón pegado...
- Explica muy bien todo el universo BDSM y, para un inexperto, tal vez lo que más llama la atención es su afirmación de que "es la erótica que coloca la excelencia allí donde el sexo la tiene; en la mente humana y no en los genitales".
- Es una erótica que refleja muy bien la enorme amplitud que tiene el hecho sexual humano. Imagínate, por ejemplo, que los pintores descubrieran de repente que existe el color, algunos podrían seguir pintando sin utilizarlo, pero en cualquier caso los recursos de la pintura aumentarían extraordinariamente.
- Describe interesantes prácticas como el petting, el sploshing o el kokigami. Habla de juguetes, de bondage... ¿Y si a uno, al final, lo que le gusta es hacer el amor con su pareja en la cama sin más parafernalias?
- Perfecto. Pero "nunca por mucho trigo fue mal año". Convendrás conmigo en que conocer más posibilidades no anula el emplear las que más nos satisfagan.
-¿ Cree que la facilidad de acceso al porno a través de internet es nocivo para un menor?
- En primer lugar, el porno es una estandarización del sexo, genera un modelo de actuación radicalmente machista porque está construido desde y fundamentalmente para el hombre. En segundo lugar, es una sexualidad de carácter "adultista", es decir, está hecho desde y para adultos. Cumple una función, no lo niego, y no sería yo quien hablara de abolir este género cinematográfico. Pero sí es cierto que en manos de un adolescente lo puede llevar a profundas equivocaciones.
- Al contrario de lo que la sociedad nos dice, en su libro no otorga un gran poder a la belleza física a la hora de seducir. ¿Le damos demasiada relevancia a nuestras carnes?
- No le otorgo una gran importancia a la belleza porque no la tiene en absoluto. La belleza te puede servir para ligar o atraer silbidos, pero para la seducción no es algo reseñable. El no tener una gran belleza forma parte de la virtud del seductor. Acuérdate, por ejemplo, de Ricardo III de Shakespeare, que, además de feo, era malo. Y, sin embargo, sedujo a la mujer a la que él había dejado viuda en el entierro de su difunto.
- "El deseo es, en definitiva, literatura, un relato literario personal e intransferible". ¿Son los relatos de los hombres más sencillos que los de las mujeres? ¿Necesitan ellas más fantasía ?
- Sí, es cierto que los hombres son más sencillos porque ellos vienen tradicionalmente manejándose en el mundo del deseo, mientras que en nosotras se ha abierto una distancia mayor entre lo que queríamos hacer y lo que éramos capaces de imaginar. Hemos cuidado mucho, desde muy antiguo, los relatos de nuestras fantasías y eso nos ha dado una mayor capacidad literaria que a ellos. Es algo que posiblemente en nuestra tarea de equiparación acabemos perdiendo.
- Una monologuista decía recientemente que para ella el humor "es el mejor lubricante porque con humor entra todo". ¿Lo comparte?
-Sí, por supuesto. Además, el humor tiene dos virtudes más: acorta distancias y crea comunidad.

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Una donna su cinque non prova l’orgasmo

donna orgasmoIl quotidiano britannico The Sun, il secondo giornale in lingua inglese più venduto al mondo, ha recentemente pubblicato i risultati di una ricerca secondo la quale circa il 20% delle donne non avrebbe mai raggiunto il piacere durante il rapporto sessuale.
L’anorgasmia, termine con il quale si definisce l’impossibilità a raggiungere l’orgasmo, sembra quindi essere una condizione largamente diffusa nella popolazione femminile. Alcuni esperti fra medici e sessuologi, intervistati daltabloid inglese, hanno espresso la loro opinione a riguardo, menzionando alcuni fra i maggiori fattori, di natura fisica e psicologica, che possono contribuire a determinare tale disagio.
Innanzitutto l’abuso di farmaci, come antidepressivi e anti-dolorifici, possono avere un effetto deleterio sulla vita sessuale delle donne, ritardando l’orgasmo o rendendolo quasi impossibile da raggiungere. Tuttavia vi sono situazioni nelle quali, come spiega David Edwards, membro della British Society for Sexual Medicine, il non raggiungimento del piacere sessuale può essere invece campanello d’allarme di condizioni mediche importanti non ancora diagnosticate: una scarsa lubrificazione vaginale potrebbe essere, ad esempio, la presenza di una forma di diabete non ancora emersa.
Anche gli alcolici, quando consumati in grandi quantità, possono avere un effetto analgesico e sedativo, bloccando gli impulsi sensoriali a livello locale e centrale, inibendo il Sistema Nervoso Simpatico e ostacolando, di conseguenza, il piacere sessuale.
Altro importante fattore è senza dubbio lo stress: una mente libera e priva di grandi preoccupazioni può certamente portare ad un rapporto sessuale di intensa piacevolezza e facilitare dunque il raggiungimento dell’orgasmo. Tuttavia non bisogna essere troppo rilassati: la tensione muscolare è, infatti, molto importante. Malcolm Vandenburg, esperto in salute sessuale, spiega, infatti, che il massimo del trasporto si ottiene utilizzando la giusta tensione muscolare per facilitare le sensazioni piacevoli, attraverso la contrazione dei muscoli delle gambe, degli addominali e dei glutei.
L’alimentazione, inoltre, non è da sottovalutare: una dieta troppo ricca di grassi può, infatti, interferire negativamente con le prestazioni sessuali attraverso una ridotta sensibilità degli organi genitali. Passare ad una dieta povera di grassi e mangiare molta frutta e verdura può dunque favorire il desiderio sessuale e una riconquista del piacere. Anche se banale, è fondamentale ricordare che per vivere a pieno la propria sessualità può essere utile svuotare la vescica prima del rapporto, affinché il fastidio dovuto al desiderio di urinare non interferisca e inibisca il raggiungimento dell’orgasmo.
Infine, il giornale inglese dedica un ampio spazio anche ai fattori psicologici che giocano, ovviamente, un ruolo fondamentale nell’anorgasmia femminile. Sono molte le donne che credono ad esempio di non poter raggiungere l’orgasmo poiché dotate di genitali inadeguati, caratterizzati da difetti e/o malformazioni. Se ciò può essere vero in alcuni rari casi, nella maggior parte delle circostanze, invece, si tratta esclusivamente di preoccupazioni eccessive che però aumentano l’insicurezza e l’ansia dell’intimità, allontanando sempre di più il piacere dalla sfera dell’erotismo.
Stili di vita inadeguati, preoccupazioni, ansie relative al rapporto con l’altro o al rapporto con sè stesse possono quindi essere tutti fattori che inficiano quel senso di rilassatezza e fiducia che caratterizzano il momento dell’orgasmo. E’ quindi necessario tener presenti tutti questi aspetti e, principalmente, valorizzare il ruolo dello scambio e del gioco, per poter sentire di essere pienamente libere di lasciarsi andare all’esperienza dell’orgasmo.
Sull’aspetto relazionale dell’anorgasmia inoltre potremmo dilungarci per ore: quanti uomini sono incerti, maldestri o poco attenti alle esigenze delle loro donne?

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

Anorgasmia: le cause

Valentina Cervelli 
10 dicembre 2012

Orgasmo femminile perchè alcune non raggiungono
L’orgasmo femminile per molti versi rimane un mistero. Non solo per la diatriba medico-ginecologica sulla sua possibile natura vaginale, quanto per il fatto che per diverse forme di anorgasmia, rischia di non venir mai provato da molte donne. Nello specifico da almeno una su cinque.
Sebbene a porre la domanda ed a farla rimbalzare su tutti i media ci abbia pensato una ricerca inglese pubblicata sulla rivista “The Sun” in questi giorni, il problema dell’incapacità delle donne di provare l’orgasmo può essere imputato sia a cause fisiologiche che psicologiche ed entrambe quasi mai di facile risoluzione.  Le statistiche parlando chiaro: almeno una donna su cinque non ha provato mai un orgasmo in vita sua.  E se per gli uomini il problema di erezione può essere combattuto tramite l’ausilio del viagra e del suo principio attivo, lo stesso non si può fare per le donne, il cui “viagra femminile” in grado di stimolare una corretta irrorazione dei genitali e la loro sensibilità. Sarebbero diversi gli studi concentrati su una formulazione spray pensata in tal senso per il sesso femminile, ma per ciò che riguarda una fattuale commercializzazione del prodotto, si è ancora lontani.
Nell’articolo pubblicato oltremanica, i principali imputati sono i farmaci e gli alcolici. Secondo i britannici gli antidepressivi ed i medicinali contro l’emicrania sarebbero la maggiore causa di anorgasmia femminile, coadiuvata in tal senso dall’abuso o dal consumo di alcol. Sebbene questi fattori possano incidere in maniera sostanziale sull’organismo, spesso quando non vi è una particolare malformazione o patologia alla base, lamancanza di orgasmo nella donna può dipendere con maggiore probabilità da un blocco psicologico vissuto dalla stessa. Problemi che nascono in famiglia, da una rigida morale e da come la persona viene introdotta al sesso. Se quest’ultimo viene visto come una cosa sporca in ambito famigliare, un tale atteggiamento di certo non aiuta la donna a vivere pienamente la propria sessualità.
E’ necessario quindi verificare, se ci si trova in queste situazioni, la natura dell’anorgasmia ed affidarsi a specialisti in ginecologia e psicologia per superare le differenti nature del problema. In questo caso un professionista come il sessuologo è la persona giusta da interpellare.
Photo Credit | Thinkstock

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

Women deserve more treatment options for sexual dysfunction

By Professor Susan Davis - Our understanding of female sexuality is constantly evolving, as we learn more about the way in which the body works.
Professor Susan Davis
Professor Susan Davis
Masters and Johnson first proposed a model of sexual function for both men and women in the 1960s. By the mid-1970s, Kaplan modified the model proposed by Masters and Johnson and characterised the female sexual response cycle as a three phase model composed of “desire”, “arousal” and “orgasm”.

Most women with a partner engage in sexual activity, however many who do so do not experience orgasm with sexual activity. ‘Anorgasmia’ – or inability to reach orgasm – is in fact the second most reported sexual problem by women (behind low sexual desire). There is presently no therapy for the condition other than sexual counselling.

It has been reported that about 30 per cent of women cannot achieve orgasm during intercourse. For many women, inability to experience orgasm translates into sexual activity becoming a chore or a duty instead of a shared positive experience.

There are many factors that may contribute to anorgasmia. It may arise from emotional factors, such as relationship issues or past sexual abuse, biological factors including medical problems or side effects of medications, or a combination of these. It may be limited to certain situations or may be an ongoing problem.

Biological factors, including brain chemicals, are integral parts of sexual function and a balance between excitatory brain activity and inhibitory brain activity may be necessary for a healthy sexual response. Sex hormones (oestrogens, androgens and progesterone) all influence a woman’s motivation for or against sexual activity. The role of the androgen testosterone is best understood; it plays a crucial role in sexual desire, arousal and receptivity towards sexual stimulation, and possibly orgasm.

Low androgen testosterone levels may contribute to the development of anorgasmia in women who have previously frequently experienced orgasm. Studies of testosterone therapy for the treatment of low sexual desire in women have indicated that testosterone, taken in a dose appropriate for women, may result in increased ability to reach orgasm. This is because testosterone therapy not only improves sexual desire through central actions in the brain, but also results in increased vaginal blood flow, which is critical for the experience of orgasm.

Thus there is biological justification for exploring the use of testosterone to facilitate orgasm in women. This will be first studied in premenopausal women who have previously been able to experience orgasm, but who have become unable to do so for at least six months, and who are in a stable sexual relationship. The approach to using testosterone for this purpose is novel.

The study, evaluating testosterone for anorgasmia, women will self-administer a dose of testosterone gel or placebo gel, as a tiny droplet, into their nasal passage a couple of hours before they think they might have a sexual encounter. The testosterone will be rapidly absorbed through the nasal lining, resulting in a sudden rise in levels in the circulation. We, and others, have previously shown this to be associated with blood vessel dilation and an associated increase in genital blood flow. Orgasm is potentially facilitated by a combination of central brain effects of testosterone and genital blood flow effects.

Anorgasmia is a frustrating condition for women who have previously enjoyed a satisfying sexual relationship. We have previously shown that women who experience dissatisfying sexual relationships have lower wellbeing in comparison to women who are satisfied with their sexual life. Furthermore, sexual satisfaction in a relationship is a significant determinant of overall relationship satisfaction. For these reasons, among others, this research is a major step forward for the many women who suffer from the condition.

Professor Susan Davis is a leading women’s health researcher and Chair of Women’s Health in Monash University's Department of Medicine at the Alfred Hospital.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

Algunas mujeres “anhelan” un orgasmo

Cerca del 35% de las mujeres no saben lo que significa un orgasmo, pues no lo han experimentado.

No importa la edad, raza o clase social; de acuerdo con Jaume Guinot, psicólogo del centro catalán de Psicología Granollers, hay casos desde los 17 y hasta los 60 años.Se trata de la anorgasmia o falta de orgasmo, una de las disfunciones sexuales más frecuentes en las mujeres.
Según publica este día, un estudio realizado en Australia el año pasado reveló que cerca del 35% de las mujeres no saben lo que significa un orgasmo, pues no lo han experimentado.
Sin embargo hasta el 95% de los casos tiene solución, pues generalmente la causa de la anorgasmia radica en aspectos psicológicos o incluso técnicas sexuales no apropiadas para el disfrute de la mujer.
La educación sexual, la cultura y el desconocimiento del cuerpo juegan un papel primordial en este tema; pues estos tres aspectos en múltiples ocasiones son un freno para que la mujer sienta placer.
Por otra parte, es falsa la idea de que el orgasmo solo se puede alcanzar mediante la penetración.
De acuerdo con expertos en el tema, una mujer puede alcanzar el orgasmo de una forma más fácil -cuando ya sea su pareja o ella misma-, estimula su clítoris.
Otras caricias en zonas erógenas son también vitales para que una mujer experimente esa sensación tan deseada por muchas.

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Trimel Announces Second Quarter 2012 Financial Results and Provides Product Development Update

Marketwire - Canada

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 7, 2012) - Trimel Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TSX:TRL) ("Trimel or "the Company") today reported its financial results for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2012. The Company also provided investors today with an update on the status of its product development programs.
Management of the Company will host a conference call to discuss these results and update investors on the status of its business on Wednesday, August 8, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Presenting from Trimel will be Bruce Brydon, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Tom Rossi, President and Chief Operating Officer and Kenneth Howling, Chief Financial Officer. The conference call details can be found at the end of the press release.
Financial Results for the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2012
For the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2012, Trimel incurred Research and Development expenses ("R&D") of US$4.8 million and US$9.1 million respectively as compared to US$2.9 million and US$4.7 million for the comparable 2011 periods. The increase in R&D spending for the 2012 period relates primarily to the costs associated with the advancement of the CompleoTRT(TM) Phase III clinical trial.
Trimel incurred General and Administrative expenses of US$2.6 million and US$4.8 million for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2012 respectively as compared to US$1.3 million and US$3.2 million for the comparable 2011 periods. The increase in spending for the 2012 period as compared to spending levels for the same 2011 period was primarily attributable to employment related expenses, professional fees and public company costs following the Company's successful 'go public' transaction in July 2011.
For the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2012, the Company incurred a net loss of US$0.09 and US$0.17 per share respectively, as compared to US$0.10 and US$0.19 per share for the comparable 2011 periods.
As at June 30, 2012, the Company had total assets of US$12.1 million as compared to US$17.6 million at March 31, 2012 and total liabilities of US$6.7 million at June 30, 2012 as compared to US$5.6 million at March 31, 2012. Subsequent to June 30, 2012the Company completed two financing transactions raising total gross proceeds of US$20.6 Million (see "Corporate Update" section below).
The information set out above is in summary form. Readers are encouraged to review the Company's annual information form, financial statements (and accompanying notes), together with management's discussion and analysis available on SEDAR at
Product Development Update
CompleoTRT(TM) (Testosterone - Hypogonadism ("Low T"))
Phase III Enrolment Completed
On July 23, 2012, the Company announced the completion of enrolment and randomization of 304 patients in the Phase III clinical trial evaluating CompleoTRT(TM). The pivotal Phase III clinical trial, which was initiated in October 2011, is a randomized study in which patients are administered CompleoTRT(TM) and evaluated for efficacy after 90 days of treatment using the pharmacokinetic endpoint established for Low T therapies. The Phase III study in its entirety represents the final stage of product development prior to the submission of a New Drug Application (NDA) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for marketing approval in the United States.
Efficacy results from the Phase III clinical trial are expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2012. As previously announced on May 29, 2012, the preliminary review of early data from the Phase III trial demonstrated that patients treated with CompleoTRT(TM) achieved an average serum testosterone level that exceeds the threshold required by the FDA to confirm the efficacy of a testosterone replacement product.
Testosterone Market Dynamics - Second Quarter 2012
According to IMS Health, nearly 1.7 million testosterone prescriptions were written in the second quarter of 2012, reflecting growth of 37% versus the same period in 2011. This represents an acceleration of prescription growth rates as physicians and patient awareness of this medical condition increases.
Tefina(TM) (Testosterone - Female Orgasmic Disorder)
Enrolment initiated for 240 Patient Ambulatory Study
On May 17th, 2012, the Company announced the initiation of patient enrolment into one of the largest clinical studies to ever explore a "use-as-required" treatment for women experiencing Female Orgasmic Disorder ("FOD"), or more commonly referred to as Anorgasmia. FOD is defined as the persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase which can result in marked personal distress or interpersonal difficulties. FOD affects 1 in 5 women worldwide. Currently there are no approved treatments for FOD and therefore this condition represents a significant unmet need for women suffering distress from this condition.
The Company intends to enrol 240 patients in this Phase II study being initiated in the United States, with additional sites in Canada and Australia expected to join the study in the second half of 2012. The Tefina(TM) Phase II study design will involve pre-menopausal women experiencing FOD and will be conducted as an ambulatory trial. As part of this double-blinded placebo-controlled study, patients will receive Tefina(TM) or placebo at home instead of in a hospital setting. The primary efficacy endpoint of the ambulatory trial will be the increase in the occurrence of orgasm over the treatment period compared against baseline levels.
Corporate Update Equity Financing
On July 17th, 2012 the Company announced that it had closed a public offering for aggregate gross proceeds of C$13.2 Million. In connection with the offering the Company issued 7,569,000 units ("Units") at a price of C$1.75 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company ("Common Share") and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"). Each whole Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one Common Share at an exercise price of C$2.50 until January 17, 2015.
The Offering was completed by a syndicate of underwriters led by RBC Dominion Securities Inc. and including GMP Securities L.P. On July 31, 2012, RBC Dominion Securities Inc. and GMP Securities L.P. exercised in part their over-allotment option to purchase an additional 60,400 Trimel Common Shares and 74,700 Trimel Warrants for aggregate gross proceeds of C$111,040. The closing of the over-allotment took place on August 3, 2012.
Debt Financing
On July 18, 2012, the Company had entered into a loan and security agreement with GE Capital, Healthcare Financial Services ("GE Capital"), as agent for the lenders party thereto, pursuant to which GE Capital advanced U.S. $7,500,000 (the "Loan") to the Company. According to the Loan Agreement, the Loan accrues interest at 10.75% per year and is repayable in scheduled instalments through to July 1, 2015 (subject to repayment on demand at any time should certain customary events of default occur). As is customary, the Company has granted security over the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries. In connection with the transaction, the lenders under the Loan Agreement (or certain of their affiliates) have been issued warrants exercisable for an aggregate of 154,916 Common Shares of the Company and certain brokers have been issued warrants exercisable for an aggregate of 51,639 common shares of the Company. The warrants are exercisable for five years at an exercise price calculated using the volume weighted average trading price of the Common Shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange for the period of five days ending immediately prior to the completion of the Loan.
Conference Call Details
To access the call live, please dial 416-340-2216 (Toronto), 1-866-226-1792 (Canada and U.S.), and 00-800-9559-6849 (International). Listeners are encouraged to dial in 10 minutes before the call begins to avoid delays.
A replay of the conference call will be available until 7:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 by dialing 905-694-9451 (Toronto), 1-800-408-3053 (Canada and U.S.) or 00-800-3366-3052 (International), using access code: 2484026#.
About CompleoTRT(TM)
CompleoTRT(TM) is designed to represent a significant advancement in the treatment of male hypogonadism, or low testosterone - commonly known as "Low T". CompleoTRT(TM)'s unique delivery technology is designed to provide patients with the therapeutic effect of supplementing testosterone levels while doing so with a small amount of drug in the form of a bio-adhesive intranasal gel.
CompleoTRT(TM)'s intranasal no-touch delivery system is designed to avoid the risk of accidental transfer (primary or secondary transference) of testosterone to spouses or other family members, thus offering unique patient benefits and improved safety as compared to other currently marketed products indicated to treat "Low T".
Since Trimel took over development of the product in the second half of 2009, CompleoTRT(TM) has been optimized to meet FDA regulatory requirements, including the development of a product dispenser that is designed to ensure that CompleoTRT(TM) is dosed accurately and discretely. Trimel has now successfully manufactured over 60,000 multi-dose dispensers. Trimel's CompleoTRT(TM) clinical program, having previously demonstrated that CompleoTRT(TM) is safe and effective in a Phase II trial, has recorded over 10,000 drug exposures in the studies conducted thus far in the United States.
About Hypogonadism ("Low T")
Subject to FDA approval, Trimel's lead product candidate, CompleoTRT(TM) would be indicated for the treatment of male hypogonadism or low testosterone - commonly known as "Low T". Hypogonadism is a biochemical syndrome characterized by a deficiency in serum testosterone levels that can be either acquired or inherited, and seriously affects the quality of life for those affected with the syndrome. Low testosterone is estimated to affect 13 million men in the United States, of which an estimated 90% go untreated. According to IMS Health, sales of marketed treatments for low testosterone in the United States grew 24% in 2011 versus 2010 to now exceed $1.6 billion in annual sales volume.
About Tefina(TM)
Trimel's product candidate Tefina(TM) is a bioadhesive 'no touch' intranasal low-dose gel formulation of testosterone. Tefina(TM) is being developed to offer women with anorgasmia, a "use as required" treatment option. Tefina(TM) is expected to present an attractive safety profile, with virtually no androgen-related side effects such as acne, facial and body hair growth or deepening of the voice. Moreover, there is no expected risk of skin-to-skin transfer of testosterone to third parties with the multi-dose dispenser.
About Female Orgasmic Disorder
Female Orgasmic Disorder ("FOD") is defined as the persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following normal sexual excitement phase that causes marked personal distress or interpersonal difficulties. The etiology of FOD is often characterized by whether the dysfunction has been lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary). This condition affects 1 in 5 pre and post menopausal women worldwide. Currently there are no approved treatments for FOD and therefore represents an unmet need for women suffering distress from this condition.
About Trimel
Trimel Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TSX:TRL) - Developing medications for Female Sexual Health and conditions related to Aging, and Well Being. Trimel is developing multiple product opportunities, including CompleoTRT(TM), a bio-adhesive intranasal Testosterone gel currently in Phase III clinical testing in the United States. CompleoTRT(TM) is under investigation for the treatment of male hypogonadism, a condition commonly referred to as "Low T". For more information, please visit
For further information regarding Trimel Pharmaceuticals Corporation, please contact either Bruce Brydon, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at (416) 679-0711 or Kenneth Howling, Chief Financial Officer at (416) 679-0536 or via email at

segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012

Doctor: ‘Dramatic’ results in depression treatment

By Jeanne Millsap For The Herald-News June 19, 2012 12:50PM

Story Image
Psychiatrist Dr. Ronald Wuest applies the headpiece used for transcranial magnetic stimulation. The magnetic waves in TMS are simliar to an MRI, but the procedure is less complex. | Supplied photo
Updated: June 20, 2012 2:40AM

ROMEOVILLE — A new treatment for depression is having what one psychiatrist calls “dramatic” results.
Dr. Ronald Wuest of the Institute for Personal Development said his Romeoville location is the first in the Joliet area to offer TMS, short for transcranial magnetic stimulation. It uses the same magnetic energy used in MRIs to stimulate areas of the brain into overcoming the effects of depression.
But unlike an MRI, the new procedure doesn’t involve sliding into a dark claustrophobic tunnel. The magnetic energy is applied through a headpiece worn while the patient is sitting up in a chair.
Wuest has been using the treatment since January on his patients whose depression hasn’t responded to several trials of oral medication.
“Studies have found that about half of patients respond positively to TMS, and a third go into remission,” he said, “which is pretty significant. But in our experience, it’s much higher. We’ve had dramatic responses.”
Minimal side effects
And the side effects, he said, unlike those with medications, are virtually nil. Side effects with the most commonly used anti-depression pills can cause diarrhea, an upset stomach, nausea, headaches, dry mouth, impotence, anorgasmia, weight gain and mild tremors.

With TMS treatment, he said, occasionally there might be a headache.
“Oral medications can affect the entire body,” he said, “not just the brain ... TMS targets a very specific part of the brain.”
Wuest explained that depression results when areas of the brain, such as the limbic system, are too low in the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Pills work by keeping those chemicals around to stimulate the nerves longer.
Magnetic therapy directly stimulates the nerves by creating very mild electrical currents. Wuest typically gives his patients 25 treatments, about five a week. It takes around 40 minutes for each treatment. But the relief goes well beyond the treatment time. Studies show that patients’ depression may go away for months or even years after the treatment, he said.
Other treatment options
The procedure is relatively new, and Wuest said electroshock therapy, or ECT, is still the gold standard for treatment of severe depression.
“ECT can be life-saving,” he said. “It’s about 80 percent effective, which is better than TMS, but it’s much more invasive.”
Electroshock, he said, involves anesthesia, which has its own risks, a recovery period of a couple of hours in the office, then one or two days off work, and usually memory problems that can last for months.
TMS can be a much gentler treatment for those who respond to it, he said. It also has great potential for treating other mental disorders. Wuest said initial studies have shown good responses in using it to treat Parkinson’s disease, bipolar disorders, chronic pain, tinnitus and fibromyalgia.
“I think it’s amazingly revolutionary,” he said.
The Institute for Personal Development’s website is

sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012

A new option for orgasm problems in men

A new option for orgasm problems in men

When men in steady relationships contemplate their sexual woes, erectile dysfunction (ED) is usually at the top of the list. That’s understandable, since 20 to 30 million American men suffer from ED, and ads for drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis carpet-bomb our consciousness of it in the media.
But there is another problem in the bedroom that men are sometimes reluctant to talk about and doctors are unlikely to ask about. It’s called anorgasmia—the inability to reach a climax during usual sexual activity.
For men with ED, doctors can prescribe any of several effective medications. Not so for those with delayed or nonexistent orgasms. “It’s a tough problem because there just isn’t a lot out there,” says Dr. Michael O’Leary, an associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and a urologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Doctors may now have a new option. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine report that a drug called cabergoline (Dostinex, generic) restored half of men to normal orgasm. The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Atlanta.

The prolactin cure

The study grew out of a basic observation, said lead researcher Dr. Tung-Chin Hsieh. When men have an orgasm and ejaculate, the amount of the hormone prolactin in the bloodstream surges. Cabergoline lowers prolactin levels, which is why it’s used to treat pituitary gland tumors that cause an overabundance of the hormone. Hsieh and his colleagues in the Baylor College men’s health clinic started to prescribe cabergoline “off label” to see if reducing prolactin levels in men might cure anorgasmia.
It apparently did. In the very preliminary pilot study presented at the American Urological Association meeting, Hsieh said that 50 of the 72 men in the study (69%) said their orgasms improved after taking 0.5 milligrams of cabergoline twice a week for an average of 10 months. Of the 50 men who said things got better, half (26) said their orgasm function returned to normal.

New option

There are several important caveats to this study: The cabergoline finding is limited to a single clinic, over a relatively short period of time, in a small group of men taking a single medication, in a trial lacking basic controls for random effects. For example, the men involved in the study might have simply recovered their ability to experience orgasms over time for reasons unrelated to taking cabergoline. In addition, the study looked mainly at the possible effectiveness of cabergoline, not the balance of benefits against the possible risks, like the drug’s potential side effects.
On the other hand, treatment of anorgasmia lacks options to such a degree that any news is good news. Dr. O’Leary, for instance, says cabergoline is now on the table for his patients. “It’s a drug we’re familiar with for a relatively rare condition,” he says. “It’s worth a try and unlikely to be harmful.”
Even if future, more detailed studies show that cabergoline isn’t effective for anorgasmia, it’s important that men understand that difficulty reaching orgasm is a legitimate health complaint. “It’s something that men should feel comfortable talking to their doctors about and there are treatment options out there for them,” says Dr. Hsieh.

sábado, 16 de junho de 2012

5 Ways to Have More Orgasms

Dr. Logan Levkoff

Posted: 06/14/2012 2:46 pm

I've written about sexual pleasure before. Actually, I've written about pleasure quite a bit. But while the topic of female orgasm isn't exactly new, it is one that lots of people are still curious about. And it's hard not to be curious: Women's orgasms are the objects of scientific studies. Do women have orgasms? Where do they come from? Why do they have them? Is one better than the next? Is there a G-Spot? Can you see it in this 83-year-old female cadaver? (No joke.) Seriously, it's exhausting... and frustrating. I mean, it's not like we have the same conversations about male orgasms.
That being said, are there women who don't experience orgasm? Yes, there are some women who are anorgasmic (cannot have an orgasm even with sufficient sexual stimulation). However, many women don't have regular orgasms because they're so caught up in the "right" way to have an orgasm. But I believe that every woman should have the capacity for pleasure and hopefully find ways for intimacy to be emotionally and physically fulfilling. So consider this your guide to maximizing your sexual pleasure -- and yes, increasing your orgasmic potential.
But first things first. We are part of a culture that loves to pathologize. Everything is a problem and lots of things have pharmacological solutions. (Can you hear the sarcasm?) We toss around the term "sexual dysfunction" regularly, but for the sake of education, let's clear some things up:
  • Primary anorgasmia: You have never had an orgasm (even when plenty of sexual stimulation is provided).
  • Secondary anorgasmia: You were previously able to achieve orgasm, but have since lost the ability to climax. 
  • Situational anorgasmia: You are unable to achieve orgasm during certain sexual behaviors, but not others. For example, you can masturbate to orgasm but not climax during intercourse.
There are many causes for anorgasmia. It can be the result of injury or trauma including: pelvic trauma, diabetes, hysterectomy, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, vaginal/genital surgery, trauma during pregnancy/delivery and emotional trauma or sexual assault. These may all affect a woman's sexual response and should be discussed with a doctor or sex therapist. 
But the other reasons for anorgasmia have more to do with socialization and education, rather than preexisting conditions, and this is where I can be of more help. 

5 Ways to Have More Orgasms

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But don't just take my word for it. Lots of women have lots to say about orgasms. If you want some terrific tips and more information about the female orgasm, check out Gasm. Yes, as in Or-Gasm. You'll thank me later.

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