Sexología: La pasión cada vez más duradera
Cuando se habla de pasión amorosa a muchas personas le sigue viniendo a la mente, y quizá también al corazón,como en“Nueve Semanas y Media” de la década de 1980, en la que “Elizabeth” mantiene una breve, relación de sexo desenfrenado con “John”.
El deseo sexual y la atracción entre dos personas quizá no sean habitualmente tan intensos y escabrosos como se muestra en este filme considerado un mito erótico, ni tampoco se prolonguen durante poco más de dos meses, como ocurre en la película. Pero, ¿qué dice la ciencia respecto de la duración del amor pasional? ¿Existen diferencias entre ellas y ellos?
Los varones tienen una vida sexual activa cada vez más prolongada, y aunque en las mujeres desciende la libido antes que en ellos, ellas también disfrutan habitualmente de una larga expectativa de actividad sexual con el paso de los años, según una investigación, efectuada por expertos de la Universidad de Chicago, en Estados Unidos.
Los investigadores americanos estudiaron las informaciones sobre la vida sexual de un grupo de seis mil hombres y mujeres, divididos en dos grupos de edad: uno de personas de entre 25 y 74 años y el otro de gente de entre 57 y 85 años.
Según este trabajo, publicado en el “British Medical Journal” y recogido por una agencia internacional de noticias de habla inglesa, cuatro de cada 10 hombres de entre 75 y 85 años mantienen relaciones sexuales, mientras que dos de cada diez mujeres de esa misma edad, permanecen sexualmente activas.
Los años pasan y el sexo sigue
De acuerdo a este trabajo, a los 55 años de edad, los hombres pueden esperar, en promedio, mantener 15 años más de actividad sexual mientras que a las mujeres les pueden quedar en general unos 10.5 años de vida sexual activa.
De esto se concluye que la población masculina parece tener una vida sexual activa cinco años más extensa que la femenina, si bien de acuerdo a otros estudios previos, muchas mujeres no perciben su posible menor actividad sexual como un “problema”.
Según los investigadores de la Universidad de Chicago, el “secreto” de mantener un deseo sexual prolongado a lo largo de toda la vida, radica en gozar de un buen estado de salud, ya que la buena salud aumenta tanto el impulso como el placer sexual.
Quienes disfrutan de buena salud tienen dos veces más probabilidades de estar interesados en las relaciones sexuales que quienes padecen alguna enfermedad, y además es más probable que mantengan relaciones sexuales “de calidad”, una vez o más a la semana, según esta encuesta estadounidense.
Por ejemplo, se ha descubierto que buena parte de las mujeres y los hombres de 45 o más años de edad optan por llevar una vida sexual más atrevida, lo que a menudo significa experimentar con actividades asociadas con lo prohibido, como mantener un intercambio de mensajes o conversaciones eróticos con el cónyuge o pareja por vía telefónica o por medio de correos electrónicos.
Lo ha desvelado un estudio de la AARP (Asociación de jubilados de los Estados Unidos) efectuado entre mil 682 adultos de la generación de la posguerra, según el cual más del 20 por ciento de las mujeres y hombres adultos han realizado actos sexuales en lugares públicos.
Por lo visto, a medida que se suman años, no sólo se encienden más velitas en el pastel de cumpleaños; también se siguen “encendiendo” los corazones y los cuerpos de la mayoría de mujeres y hombres.
terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011
Florida to Zoophiles: Go Back to Kentucky, or Any One of More Than a Dozen Other States
Florida to Zoophiles: Go Back to Kentucky, or Any One of More Than a Dozen Other States
By Steve Huff in bizarre
Saturday, March 21, 2009, at 12:52 pm
Many zoophiles recently looked up from their sticky, well-thumbed copies of Cat Fancy
Magazine to find themselves dismayed by this news out of the Sunshine State:
The act of bestiality is a step closer to becoming illegal in Florida now that a Senate committee voted to slap a third-degree felony charge on anyone who has sex with animals.
Florida is one of only 16 states that still permit bestiality - a fact that animal-rights activist and Sunrise Sen. Nan Rich learned to her horror when a Panhandle man three years ago was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat with which he was copulating...
It's true, sickos - Florida would prefer you no longer violate and suffocate family pets on their swampy, beer-soaked ground or cocaine-whitened beaches. Even though certain legislators aren't entirely sure as to just what this whole sexing the puppies thing is about:
[Miami Democratic Sen. Larcenia Bullard asked], "People are taking these animals as their husbands? What's husbandry?"
Based on completely unreliable information gleaned from this online petition for stopping bestiality, it would appear that if you want to fiddle with Fido or go down on Rover you will eventually have to take the party to one of the following states instead of Florida (where, really, they have enough trouble as it is): "Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut [...] Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming."
One important thing to remember about getting your freakier than freaky freak on in those states, though - don't videotape it. Aside from the tidal wave of karmic justice that will one day sweep you down into the fiery pit to be eternally assaulted over and over by rabid hyenas wearing clown masks, videotaping the schtupping of an innocent animal is a federal crime that will net you federal time, no matter where your barn of destiny may be.
By Steve Huff in bizarre
Saturday, March 21, 2009, at 12:52 pm
Many zoophiles recently looked up from their sticky, well-thumbed copies of Cat Fancy
Magazine to find themselves dismayed by this news out of the Sunshine State:
The act of bestiality is a step closer to becoming illegal in Florida now that a Senate committee voted to slap a third-degree felony charge on anyone who has sex with animals.
Florida is one of only 16 states that still permit bestiality - a fact that animal-rights activist and Sunrise Sen. Nan Rich learned to her horror when a Panhandle man three years ago was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat with which he was copulating...
It's true, sickos - Florida would prefer you no longer violate and suffocate family pets on their swampy, beer-soaked ground or cocaine-whitened beaches. Even though certain legislators aren't entirely sure as to just what this whole sexing the puppies thing is about:
[Miami Democratic Sen. Larcenia Bullard asked], "People are taking these animals as their husbands? What's husbandry?"
Based on completely unreliable information gleaned from this online petition for stopping bestiality, it would appear that if you want to fiddle with Fido or go down on Rover you will eventually have to take the party to one of the following states instead of Florida (where, really, they have enough trouble as it is): "Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut [...] Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming."
One important thing to remember about getting your freakier than freaky freak on in those states, though - don't videotape it. Aside from the tidal wave of karmic justice that will one day sweep you down into the fiery pit to be eternally assaulted over and over by rabid hyenas wearing clown masks, videotaping the schtupping of an innocent animal is a federal crime that will net you federal time, no matter where your barn of destiny may be.
A Boy and His Dogs: Justin Sharp's Alleged Obsession
A Boy and His Dogs: Justin Sharp's Alleged Obsession
By Steve Huff in bizarre
Tuesday, August 26, 2008, at 6:42 pm
He is baby-faced and 5'9". News articles say he's just 18, but in photos he looks even younger. According to reports from the Palm Beach County Sheriff, he is one deeply sick puppy.
His name is Justin Lloyd Sharp. He was arrested Monday and charged with possessing child pornography. He was also charged with sexually assaulting a dog.
Police took computers from Sharp's possession back in April. On those computers, they say they found videos of preschool aged girls involved in sexual contact with adults. Police also say they found a video of Sharp raping a male German Shepherd.
The Palm Beach Post reports that Sharp admitted to what he did with the dog. During a civil case filed by Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control, Sharp's own mother admitted that her son said he'd raped the dog at least 4 times.
Palm Beach County won the case and seized two dogs and two cats from the Sharp residence.
Justin Sharp called himself Anubis410 on MySpace. According to Encyclopedia Mythica, Anubis was the "mysterious canid funerary deity of ancient Egypt." Anubis possessed a human body and the head of either "a jackal or a wild dog."
Sharp's profile has been edited to conceal who owns it, but in mid-July of this year it was still clearly run by Justin Sharp, an 18-year-old living in Palm Beach Gardens, FL with an interest in canines and video games. He had a latin headline. It read, "Lupus, perficio proeliator, gnaritas quod citatus, suum decor habui haud fines finium." Loose translation: "Wolf, the accomplished warrior, smart and fast, its beauty has no boundaries." Sharp apparently came up with that line, too, for he tagged it with his name. All the images associated with the profile now and before it was edited depicted wolves.
Back on MySpace, under his profile's "About me" section Sharp wrote the following, "My name is Justin and I have been accepted into Champlain College with their graduating class of 2012. I will be majoring in Videogame Programming. I have a Xbox 360 and I play games a lot online; my Xbox Live gamertag is Anubis410. Feel free to add me if you like. I am always willing to meet new friends! ;)"
Internet searches using "Anubis410" and information about Sharp led to this eBay user profile.
On eBay, Anubis410 said his interests included gaming online, wolves. He wrote that he had been born in Mississippi then lived in "Georgia for 9 years and I just moved to Palm Beach Florida." Anubis410 gave an address in Palm Beach Gardens, and a Gmail address that began with this screen name: "Anubis35142."
If Justin Sharp was Anubis35142, then further searching on the Web may have revealed a confession as to what he'd done with a dog made more than a year ago.
A sexual attraction to animals is referred to as zoophilia. Searching for "Anubis35142" gave results for a message board devoted to giving users "Free Zoophilia and Animal Sex Information," and a post made by Anubis35142 on May 10, 2007. The title of the message thread was "Your First Time," and the meaning was obvious -- people were supposed to post about their first sexual experience with an animal. Anubis35142's post was succinct -- and nauseating: "Mine was with a Male German Shepherd! I Anally penetrated him." Anubis35142 tagged the statement with a pink, smiling emoticon surrounded by a cloud of hearts.
According to the article in the Palm Beach paper, Justin Sharp was being held on a measly $9000 bond.
This, for a young man who has allegedly confessed to molesting one of his own dogs, and whom police say also had child porn.
Seems to me that bond amount is missing a zero or two. [ Additonal link -- Anubis410's YouTube profile.]
By Steve Huff in bizarre
Tuesday, August 26, 2008, at 6:42 pm
He is baby-faced and 5'9". News articles say he's just 18, but in photos he looks even younger. According to reports from the Palm Beach County Sheriff, he is one deeply sick puppy.
His name is Justin Lloyd Sharp. He was arrested Monday and charged with possessing child pornography. He was also charged with sexually assaulting a dog.
Police took computers from Sharp's possession back in April. On those computers, they say they found videos of preschool aged girls involved in sexual contact with adults. Police also say they found a video of Sharp raping a male German Shepherd.
The Palm Beach Post reports that Sharp admitted to what he did with the dog. During a civil case filed by Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control, Sharp's own mother admitted that her son said he'd raped the dog at least 4 times.
Palm Beach County won the case and seized two dogs and two cats from the Sharp residence.
Justin Sharp called himself Anubis410 on MySpace. According to Encyclopedia Mythica, Anubis was the "mysterious canid funerary deity of ancient Egypt." Anubis possessed a human body and the head of either "a jackal or a wild dog."
Sharp's profile has been edited to conceal who owns it, but in mid-July of this year it was still clearly run by Justin Sharp, an 18-year-old living in Palm Beach Gardens, FL with an interest in canines and video games. He had a latin headline. It read, "Lupus, perficio proeliator, gnaritas quod citatus, suum decor habui haud fines finium." Loose translation: "Wolf, the accomplished warrior, smart and fast, its beauty has no boundaries." Sharp apparently came up with that line, too, for he tagged it with his name. All the images associated with the profile now and before it was edited depicted wolves.
Back on MySpace, under his profile's "About me" section Sharp wrote the following, "My name is Justin and I have been accepted into Champlain College with their graduating class of 2012. I will be majoring in Videogame Programming. I have a Xbox 360 and I play games a lot online; my Xbox Live gamertag is Anubis410. Feel free to add me if you like. I am always willing to meet new friends! ;)"
Internet searches using "Anubis410" and information about Sharp led to this eBay user profile.
On eBay, Anubis410 said his interests included gaming online, wolves. He wrote that he had been born in Mississippi then lived in "Georgia for 9 years and I just moved to Palm Beach Florida." Anubis410 gave an address in Palm Beach Gardens, and a Gmail address that began with this screen name: "Anubis35142."
If Justin Sharp was Anubis35142, then further searching on the Web may have revealed a confession as to what he'd done with a dog made more than a year ago.
A sexual attraction to animals is referred to as zoophilia. Searching for "Anubis35142" gave results for a message board devoted to giving users "Free Zoophilia and Animal Sex Information," and a post made by Anubis35142 on May 10, 2007. The title of the message thread was "Your First Time," and the meaning was obvious -- people were supposed to post about their first sexual experience with an animal. Anubis35142's post was succinct -- and nauseating: "Mine was with a Male German Shepherd! I Anally penetrated him." Anubis35142 tagged the statement with a pink, smiling emoticon surrounded by a cloud of hearts.
According to the article in the Palm Beach paper, Justin Sharp was being held on a measly $9000 bond.
This, for a young man who has allegedly confessed to molesting one of his own dogs, and whom police say also had child porn.
Seems to me that bond amount is missing a zero or two. [ Additonal link -- Anubis410's YouTube profile.]
Woman Dies During Sex With Dog
Sean McDonnell Faces 'Buggery' Charges After Woman Dies During Sex With Dog
By Pete Kotz in Animal Cruelty, bizarre
Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at 8:00 am
Sean McDonnell is a 57-year-old man from County Limerick, Ireland who gets off on sex with dogs. He was trolling a bestiality chat room where he befriended a 43-year-old mother of four who was also into sex with animals. So the two decided to meet to share their fabulous hobby...
The details of the incident are somewhat sketchy, so we'll have to read between the lines here. But it seems the unnamed woman decided to give the dog a blow job. Unfortunately, she's among the very few people in the world allergic to dog semen.
Shortly after the hot canine action, the woman began having trouble breathing. She was rushed to the hospital, but didn't survive. Doctors ruled that she died from a violent allergic reaction to the Alsatian's sperm.
Now McDonnell is not only known as the biggest freak in County Limerick, but he's also facing the rare charge of "buggery." And they don't take such charges lightly on the heavily Catholic island, where sex is meant only for married couples using the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation.
He's looking at life in the slam if convicted.
The dog, meanwhile, is said to be sexual conflicted and entertaining thoughts of permanent celibacy.
See our last story from the Animal Cruelty file: Naomie Jeanite & Her Daughter, Veronica Valeur, Attack Girl and Her Dog With Baseball Bat.
By Pete Kotz in Animal Cruelty, bizarre
Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at 8:00 am
Sean McDonnell is a 57-year-old man from County Limerick, Ireland who gets off on sex with dogs. He was trolling a bestiality chat room where he befriended a 43-year-old mother of four who was also into sex with animals. So the two decided to meet to share their fabulous hobby...
The details of the incident are somewhat sketchy, so we'll have to read between the lines here. But it seems the unnamed woman decided to give the dog a blow job. Unfortunately, she's among the very few people in the world allergic to dog semen.
Shortly after the hot canine action, the woman began having trouble breathing. She was rushed to the hospital, but didn't survive. Doctors ruled that she died from a violent allergic reaction to the Alsatian's sperm.
Now McDonnell is not only known as the biggest freak in County Limerick, but he's also facing the rare charge of "buggery." And they don't take such charges lightly on the heavily Catholic island, where sex is meant only for married couples using the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation.
He's looking at life in the slam if convicted.
The dog, meanwhile, is said to be sexual conflicted and entertaining thoughts of permanent celibacy.
See our last story from the Animal Cruelty file: Naomie Jeanite & Her Daughter, Veronica Valeur, Attack Girl and Her Dog With Baseball Bat.
Catherine Kieu Becker Cut Off Hubby's Pecker and Tossed It in Garbage Disposal (Allegedly)
Catherine Kieu Becker Cut Off Hubby's Pecker and Tossed It in Garbage Disposal (Allegedly)
By Matt Coker Tue., Jul. 12 2011 at 9:54 AM Comments (36)
Courtesy of GGPD
The accused
UPDATED, JULY 12, 9:54 A.M.: The Garden Grove Police Department has released this booking photo of Catherine Kieu Becker, 48.
She is accused of lacing her 51-year-old husband's dinner with drugs or poison to knock him out, tying him to his bed, slicing off his penis, tossing it into the garbage disposal and flipping the "on" switch.
He's in serious condition following emergency surgery at UCI Medical Center in Orange.
ORIGINAL POST, JULY 12, 9 A.M.: Responding to a woman's 9-1-1 call of a medical emergency, Garden Grove police officers walked into the bedroom of Apartment 21 at 14171 Flower St. just after 9 last night to discover a 51-year-old white guy bound to his bed with blood welled up around his crotch.
It wasn't a shaving accident.
The man's estranged wife allegedly laced his food to knock him out, tied him to the bed, sliced off his penis, dropped it in the garbage disposal . . . and flipped the "on" switch.
Catherine Kieu Becker, 48, was booked into Orange County Jail on charges of aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit felony, poisoning and spousal abuse.
Police recovered rope and a bloody knife in the unit.
Here's the sad tale detectives were told: The Beckers are going through a divorce, but the wife had come over to the apartment to make the husband dinner. What he did not know was she had allegedly seasoned the meal with a drug or unknown poison. Not feeling well during dinner, he went to lie down.
He awoke to find himself tied up to the bed with his wife tugging his clothing off. This was not reconciliation, as she is alleged to have then gone at the Becker pecker with a knife. Upon removal, she is said to have tossed the schlong into the garbage disposal and turned the disposal to the "on" position.
The Mrs. then called 9-1-1, apparently mentioning that her husband "deserved" it.
Responding cops and paramedics provided basic treatment before transporting the sad sack to UCI Medical Center in Orange. After emergency surgery, he was listed in serious condition.
"The wife is not giving any more statements and the victim went into surgery before detectives could get all of the details," reads a Garden Grove Police Department statement just issued.
Wonder how many husbands reading this are bringing their wives home flowers tonight?
By Matt Coker Tue., Jul. 12 2011 at 9:54 AM Comments (36)
Courtesy of GGPD
The accused
UPDATED, JULY 12, 9:54 A.M.: The Garden Grove Police Department has released this booking photo of Catherine Kieu Becker, 48.
She is accused of lacing her 51-year-old husband's dinner with drugs or poison to knock him out, tying him to his bed, slicing off his penis, tossing it into the garbage disposal and flipping the "on" switch.
He's in serious condition following emergency surgery at UCI Medical Center in Orange.
ORIGINAL POST, JULY 12, 9 A.M.: Responding to a woman's 9-1-1 call of a medical emergency, Garden Grove police officers walked into the bedroom of Apartment 21 at 14171 Flower St. just after 9 last night to discover a 51-year-old white guy bound to his bed with blood welled up around his crotch.
It wasn't a shaving accident.
The man's estranged wife allegedly laced his food to knock him out, tied him to the bed, sliced off his penis, dropped it in the garbage disposal . . . and flipped the "on" switch.
Catherine Kieu Becker, 48, was booked into Orange County Jail on charges of aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit felony, poisoning and spousal abuse.
Police recovered rope and a bloody knife in the unit.
Here's the sad tale detectives were told: The Beckers are going through a divorce, but the wife had come over to the apartment to make the husband dinner. What he did not know was she had allegedly seasoned the meal with a drug or unknown poison. Not feeling well during dinner, he went to lie down.
He awoke to find himself tied up to the bed with his wife tugging his clothing off. This was not reconciliation, as she is alleged to have then gone at the Becker pecker with a knife. Upon removal, she is said to have tossed the schlong into the garbage disposal and turned the disposal to the "on" position.
The Mrs. then called 9-1-1, apparently mentioning that her husband "deserved" it.
Responding cops and paramedics provided basic treatment before transporting the sad sack to UCI Medical Center in Orange. After emergency surgery, he was listed in serious condition.
"The wife is not giving any more statements and the victim went into surgery before detectives could get all of the details," reads a Garden Grove Police Department statement just issued.
Wonder how many husbands reading this are bringing their wives home flowers tonight?
Utilizaban Facebook para abuso sexual y pornografía infantil
Utilizaban Facebook para abuso sexual y pornografía infantil
La PGJDF detuvo a cinco sujetos que intercambiaban imágenes; uno de ellos es profesor universitario, otro, chofer de taxi
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Cinco personas dedicadas enganchar menores de edad a través del Facebook fueron detenidas y permanecen arraigadas en instalaciones de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal, en donde se investiga si hay más integrantes de esta red dedicada a la distribución de pornografía infantil.
Su detención fue producto de una investigación realizada por la Policía Cibernética, que detectó que los sujetos intercambiaban imágenes sexuales de menores de edad a través de una página de internet. Se informó que dicha página web ya fue bloqueada a petición de la PGJDF.
El abogado de la ciudad de México, Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, detalló que entre los presuntos pornógrafos hay un taxista y un profesor universitario originarios de la ciudad de México y tres estudiantes, dos del Estado de México y uno más de Mérida, Yucatán.
Se trata de Víctor Manuel Manzanilla Méndez, quien en Facebook se hacía pasar como “Pedófilo Pepe Carmona” y que en su perfil decía tener 14 años de edad. En realidad este sujeto tiene 21 años y es estudiante de psicología en Yucatán.
También fue capturado José Buendía del Mazo, alias “Pepitotaxi”, taxista del DF, quien navegaba por Facebook, Netlog y Cocoloop, y quien decía tener 12 años. Además este sujeto abusó de al menos siete menores de edad a quienes llevaba al colegio ganándose su confianza al asegurarles que era luchador.
“La cuenta pertenece a José Buendía del Mazo, taxista acusado por seis menores de edad de abusarlos sexualmente, y cuyas imágenes enviaba vía internet; el chofer fue contratado para transportar a los menores de su casa a la escuela secundaria, previo contacto en la red social; les dijo que era luchador, y tras ganar la confianza de las víctimas abusó sexualmente de ellas”, detalló el funcionario.
Se informó también la detención de Joaquín Benjamín Acosta Rodríguez, profesor de la carrera de comunicación en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, quien usaba el alias de “Benymax” y aseguraba tener 14 años.
Otro de los detenidos es Antonio Nicolás Plata, de 21 años, con alias “Timeshoy”, estudiante de la carrera de Químico Fármaco Biólogo, de la universidad Tecnológica de Atlacomulco, Estado de México.
Por último, se informó de la captura de José Néstor Vilchis Mancera, alumno de Ingeniería Industrial, y que en Facebook se hacía llamar yaoi_2. El acusado vivía y estudiaba en el municipio de Metepec.
Miguel Ángel Mancera precisó que los cinco sujetos son acusados de la comisión de los delitos de abuso sexual, corrupción de menores y pornografía infantil. Hasta el momento se tiene conocimiento de siete víctimas de abuso, seis de ellas residentes de la ciudad de México y uno más del Edomex.
Las autoridades explicaron que entre cinco y seis personas más podrían estar involucradas en esta red de distribución de pornografía infantil y se presume que hay entre tres y cuatro menores más victimizados los cuáles no han sido identificados. El titular de la PGJDF pidió a los sitios de redes sociales que certifiquen la identidad de sus usuarios.
“Creemos que el llamado sería a que se pudiera certificar de alguna forma la personalidad de quien está en la red, porque creemos que todavía puede haber muchas personas que estén suplantando personalidad como en estos casos que ingresan a grupos sociales, a redes sociales de menores, siendo adultos”, puntualizó.
La PGJDF detuvo a cinco sujetos que intercambiaban imágenes; uno de ellos es profesor universitario, otro, chofer de taxi
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Cinco personas dedicadas enganchar menores de edad a través del Facebook fueron detenidas y permanecen arraigadas en instalaciones de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal, en donde se investiga si hay más integrantes de esta red dedicada a la distribución de pornografía infantil.
Su detención fue producto de una investigación realizada por la Policía Cibernética, que detectó que los sujetos intercambiaban imágenes sexuales de menores de edad a través de una página de internet. Se informó que dicha página web ya fue bloqueada a petición de la PGJDF.
El abogado de la ciudad de México, Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, detalló que entre los presuntos pornógrafos hay un taxista y un profesor universitario originarios de la ciudad de México y tres estudiantes, dos del Estado de México y uno más de Mérida, Yucatán.
Se trata de Víctor Manuel Manzanilla Méndez, quien en Facebook se hacía pasar como “Pedófilo Pepe Carmona” y que en su perfil decía tener 14 años de edad. En realidad este sujeto tiene 21 años y es estudiante de psicología en Yucatán.
También fue capturado José Buendía del Mazo, alias “Pepitotaxi”, taxista del DF, quien navegaba por Facebook, Netlog y Cocoloop, y quien decía tener 12 años. Además este sujeto abusó de al menos siete menores de edad a quienes llevaba al colegio ganándose su confianza al asegurarles que era luchador.
“La cuenta pertenece a José Buendía del Mazo, taxista acusado por seis menores de edad de abusarlos sexualmente, y cuyas imágenes enviaba vía internet; el chofer fue contratado para transportar a los menores de su casa a la escuela secundaria, previo contacto en la red social; les dijo que era luchador, y tras ganar la confianza de las víctimas abusó sexualmente de ellas”, detalló el funcionario.
Se informó también la detención de Joaquín Benjamín Acosta Rodríguez, profesor de la carrera de comunicación en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, quien usaba el alias de “Benymax” y aseguraba tener 14 años.
Otro de los detenidos es Antonio Nicolás Plata, de 21 años, con alias “Timeshoy”, estudiante de la carrera de Químico Fármaco Biólogo, de la universidad Tecnológica de Atlacomulco, Estado de México.
Por último, se informó de la captura de José Néstor Vilchis Mancera, alumno de Ingeniería Industrial, y que en Facebook se hacía llamar yaoi_2. El acusado vivía y estudiaba en el municipio de Metepec.
Miguel Ángel Mancera precisó que los cinco sujetos son acusados de la comisión de los delitos de abuso sexual, corrupción de menores y pornografía infantil. Hasta el momento se tiene conocimiento de siete víctimas de abuso, seis de ellas residentes de la ciudad de México y uno más del Edomex.
Las autoridades explicaron que entre cinco y seis personas más podrían estar involucradas en esta red de distribución de pornografía infantil y se presume que hay entre tres y cuatro menores más victimizados los cuáles no han sido identificados. El titular de la PGJDF pidió a los sitios de redes sociales que certifiquen la identidad de sus usuarios.
“Creemos que el llamado sería a que se pudiera certificar de alguna forma la personalidad de quien está en la red, porque creemos que todavía puede haber muchas personas que estén suplantando personalidad como en estos casos que ingresan a grupos sociales, a redes sociales de menores, siendo adultos”, puntualizó.
Pornografía daña noción del sexo real: estudio
Pornografía daña noción del sexo real: estudio
Investigadores advierten que a veces los consumidores del cine para adultos intentan modelar su vida sexual a la de las pantallas
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Investigadores australianos advirtieron que la pornografía podría considerarse peligrosa cuando en la vida real se trata de imitar a las películas para adultos.
En el tercer día de la conferencia Women’s Worlds organizada en la Universidad de Ottawa, Renate Klein, autor y profesor emérito sobre estudios de la mujer en la Universidad Deakin en Melbourne, detalló que la pornografía se ha vuelto tan omnipresente en la vida de las personas que muchas de ellas están empezando a modelar su vida sexual real sobre la pornografía.
“Los hombres en las películas XXX son musculosos, tienen erecciones que duran horas y las mujeres no tienen vello, están bronceadas y mejoradas quirúrgicamente. Estas imágenes se convierten en el ideal sexual de los espectadores e intentan estar a la altura de un guión irreal”, afirmó Klein.
Esa actitud por buscar un ideal inalcanzable empeora si se toma en cuenta que el sexo pornográfico se basa en la idea de sumisión y dominación, donde se reduce a la mujer a “una estación de servicio para satisfacer las necesidades sexuales de los hombres”, agregó.
Según Klein, este es un gran problema cuando los niños de tan sólo 11 tienen acceso a ver pornografía.
"Un niño de 11 años de edad, que ve, que no tiene nada que se compare con el actor, piensa que ese es el tipo normal de la sexualidad", dijo. "Y luego, cuando tiene una novia y se despierta el interés sexual por ella, tal vez querrá que haga cosas por el estilo. De esa manera, el adolescente no sabe que esa no es la forma normal de tener relaciones sexuales."
Durante la charla, Klein y sus colegas apuntaron que la pornografía no sólo son imágenes, pues las consecuencias al presentar relaciones sexuales sin el uso del condón puede aumentar el riesgo de infecciones de transmisión sexual en quienes las observan y después pretenden imitar, asimismo, dijo al practicar algunas posturas sexuales de las películas pornográficas, los espectadores desconocen que las mujeres podrían resultar con daños en las vaginas o el ano.
El investigador Klein advirtió que la pornografía es cada vez más fuerte e irreal. "Ahora los consumidores de porno quieren algo diferente", dijo. "Ellos quieren actos más audaces".
Investigadores advierten que a veces los consumidores del cine para adultos intentan modelar su vida sexual a la de las pantallas
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Investigadores australianos advirtieron que la pornografía podría considerarse peligrosa cuando en la vida real se trata de imitar a las películas para adultos.
En el tercer día de la conferencia Women’s Worlds organizada en la Universidad de Ottawa, Renate Klein, autor y profesor emérito sobre estudios de la mujer en la Universidad Deakin en Melbourne, detalló que la pornografía se ha vuelto tan omnipresente en la vida de las personas que muchas de ellas están empezando a modelar su vida sexual real sobre la pornografía.
“Los hombres en las películas XXX son musculosos, tienen erecciones que duran horas y las mujeres no tienen vello, están bronceadas y mejoradas quirúrgicamente. Estas imágenes se convierten en el ideal sexual de los espectadores e intentan estar a la altura de un guión irreal”, afirmó Klein.
Esa actitud por buscar un ideal inalcanzable empeora si se toma en cuenta que el sexo pornográfico se basa en la idea de sumisión y dominación, donde se reduce a la mujer a “una estación de servicio para satisfacer las necesidades sexuales de los hombres”, agregó.
Según Klein, este es un gran problema cuando los niños de tan sólo 11 tienen acceso a ver pornografía.
"Un niño de 11 años de edad, que ve, que no tiene nada que se compare con el actor, piensa que ese es el tipo normal de la sexualidad", dijo. "Y luego, cuando tiene una novia y se despierta el interés sexual por ella, tal vez querrá que haga cosas por el estilo. De esa manera, el adolescente no sabe que esa no es la forma normal de tener relaciones sexuales."
Durante la charla, Klein y sus colegas apuntaron que la pornografía no sólo son imágenes, pues las consecuencias al presentar relaciones sexuales sin el uso del condón puede aumentar el riesgo de infecciones de transmisión sexual en quienes las observan y después pretenden imitar, asimismo, dijo al practicar algunas posturas sexuales de las películas pornográficas, los espectadores desconocen que las mujeres podrían resultar con daños en las vaginas o el ano.
El investigador Klein advirtió que la pornografía es cada vez más fuerte e irreal. "Ahora los consumidores de porno quieren algo diferente", dijo. "Ellos quieren actos más audaces".
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