terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

O amor vence tudo. Mesmo a crise?

O desemprego ou a falta de rendimentos podem trazer ao casal problemas que até então não pareciam existir? Os especialistas dizem que não são a única causa, mas que podem contribuir para aumentar o conflito.

A expressão "quando há amor não há crise", utilizada para afirmar que o amor vence tudo, pode estar a ser afectada pela realidade económica. Com a pressão do desemprego ou a redução de rendimentos, surgem problemas que até aqui não existiam e a intimidade no casal arrisca-se a perder pontos para as preocupações económicas. A aposta no afecto e na cumplicidade como pilares para a sobrevivência de uma relação pode estar tremida. O amor pode não ainda estar falido, mas o desejo está em crise.
As notícias falam em mais austeridade, a ameaça de desemprego está presente ou já aconteceu, impostos e dívidas acumulam-se, a conta no banco emagrece e as despesas aumentam, os filhos precisam de apoio, a mulher reclama da falta de atenção do marido, e este de que a mulher o procura cada vez menos, o companheiro já nada diz à companheira quando esta chega a casa depois de um dia de trabalho. Toda esta pressão pode acabar com uma relação?
“A crise económica afecta a vida dos casais, mas sendo um problema que os afecta em conjunto e a toda a família, não penso que constitua por si um factor de ruptura conjugal”, responde o psiquiatra José Gameiro.
O autor do livro Até Que o Amor Nos Separe(2011) admite que “o stress diminui a disponibilidade para a relação e podem existir fases de insatisfação que o casal terá de compensar por momentos de maior proximidade”. Há vários anos a trabalhar como terapeuta familiar, José Gameiro conta que nas suas consultas “o dinheiro, como factor de tensão, não constitui um assunto muito frequente”. A excepção surge quando “os modelos de consumo e de poupança são muito diferentes, ou quando o casal entra em crise, em que tudo serve para criar conflito e o dinheiro também”.
Para o psiquiatra Daniel Sampaio “a falta de dinheiro e o desemprego introduzem uma tensão acrescida no relacionamento conjugal, que sente o seu quotidiano ameaçado”. As divergências surgem e arrisca-se o conflito e o afastamento. “A principal causa das divergências está centrada nos conflitos do quotidiano, nos quais a crise financeira é importante”, mas não será a única razão, explica. O psiquiatra, que este ano lançou Labirinto de Mágoas, As Crises do Casamento e como Enfrentá-las, sublinha que “todas as questões conjugais e todos os problemas são multideterminados, nunca há uma única causa. O mais provável é que aumente a conflitualidade”.
A nível clínico, a crise acrescenta outros problemas à lista de alguns casais. Daniel Sampaio e José Gameiro são unânimes em afirmar que com a crise as perturbações de ansiedade e os episódios depressivos aumentaram. José Gameiro sublinha, no entanto, que “este facto não é forçosamente um reflexo nas dinâmicas conjugais”.
Com ou sem problemas económicos, os que procuram ajuda profissional fazem as mesmas queixas. A José Gameiro elas falam em “falta de comunicação e de atenção”, enquanto eles denunciam o “desinteresse pela vida sexual”. Daniel Sampaio acrescenta que ambos os sexos se queixam de “falta de amor, do reconhecimento do outro e da ausência de compromisso”.
Como fica a intimidade dos casais?
As preocupações económicas podem ser um inimigo do afecto e do desejo sexual, mas o historial da intimidade de um casal pode ser determinante para que a parte física do amor não seja afectada. “Não podemos esquecer que a qualidade da relação, antes de existirem problemas como o desemprego e outras questões económicas, é muito importante”, sustenta o psiquiatra Júlio Machado Vaz. O sexólogo não tem dúvidas de que, se a qualidade da relação “for boa, é muito mais provável que as pessoas se juntem mais para resistir à tempestade”; mas, “se houver fendas, é mais provável que se aprofundem”.
A intimidade vive paredes meias com tudo o que o casal traz para casa e ser imune às pressões que ficam do outro lado da porta não é para todos. “Sabemos que nestes tempos de crise os níveis de depressão e ansiedade sobem. São prejudiciais para a parte sexual. Uma pessoa deprimida que se auto-removeu da vida em geral ou uma pessoa ansiosa pode ter dificuldades no sexo. Se pensarmos que as medicações para as depressões podem ter efeitos indesejáveis, esse risco acresce”, alerta o psiquiatra.
Na maioria dos casos com que teve contacto, o sexólogo diz que é frequente as mulheres dizerem que com a “aflição de chegar ao fim do mês sem dinheiro não têm cabeça para outras coisas”. Os homens têm mais capacidade para a relação sexual, “não está tudo bem mas estou disponível”, exemplifica o médico.
Mas existem consequências físicas provocadas pela pressão das preocupações do quotidiano. “É frequente alguns homens afirmarem que o desemprego afecta a sua masculinidade em termos de energia e isso afecta a parte sexual”. Podem surgir casos de disfunção eréctil ou ejaculação precoce nos homens. Nas mulheres é a perda de desejo sexual que as leva a afastar-se. 
“A quebra da intimidade não começou com a crise, agravou-se sim a baixa de desejo”, continua Machado Vaz, que conta que “os médicos de família estão inundados com casos de baixa de desejo em pessoas que já o tiveram como satisfatório”.
Marta Crawford, sexóloga e terapeuta familiar, não tem dúvidas que uma crise financeira “altera o espírito e o desejo sexual pode ser afectado pela ansiedade”. “Há tensão a mais e deixa de haver disponibilidade para a relação. A intimidade pode ficar beliscada”, admite. E se existe a ideia de que o desejo sexual nas mulheres quebra mais com as dificuldades e que os homens conseguem descontrair para o sexo, Marta Crawford afirma que, com base na sua experiência “há cada vez menos diferenciação entre como cada um dos lados reage” e que “há mulheres mais pragmáticas que chegam a casa e está tudo bem” e homens que “não desligam da pressão do trabalho”. Marta Crawford diz que o sexo não deve ser uma obrigação mas uma forma de recarregar energias. “A actividade sexual devia ser como uma espécie de bateria de telemóvel. Vai-se recarregando para mantermos contacto com o mundo”.
Vânia Beliz, psicóloga clínica e sexóloga, deixa um ditado para explicar a tensão que as questões económicas podem trazer para uma relação: “Casa onde não há pão, todos ralham e ninguém tem razão”. “Estamos num período complicado. As mulheres são mais sensíveis, facilmente se deixam abater, perdem o desejo. Mas muitos homens também se queixam de falta de desejo”. 
As pessoas que têm procurado a sua ajuda para problemas falam em falta de tempo para a relação, nos filhos que precisam de ajuda, nas dificuldades financeiras que até ali não existiam. “Algumas pessoas dizem-me que não temos tempo para pensar nisso [sexo], até isso a troika nos tirou”, conta.
Vânia Beliz considera que os problemas que a maioria dos casais enfrentam não devem ser menosprezados mas que o poder económico assumiu um papel na relação que deve ser revisto. E dá como exemplo casais com cerca de 60 anos que lhe confidenciam que passaram por “graves privações económicas no início dos seus casamentos mas que conseguiram ultrapassar as dificuldades” com a aposta no relacionamento.
O fim dos jantares a dois fora de casa e as prendas que deixaram de se trocar ocasionalmente também não devem ser desculpa para deixar de lado o romantismo e vida social. “O casal deve pensar: estamos com dificuldades mas isto é uma fase e vamos arranjar uma forma de ultrapassar isto juntos”, aconselha a psicóloga.
O PÚBLICO pediu outros conselhos para quem pode estar a passar por uma fase difícil na relação. Daniel Sampaio aconselha a leitura do seu livro Labirinto de Mágoas e um “esforço constante para reconhecer o outro”. José Gameiro não deixa um conselho mas uma máxima. “Gostar dos outros ainda não paga imposto e uma pessoa que tenha de quem goste é sempre mais feliz”.


Prostitutas de BH têm aulas grátis de inglês para se preparar para a Copa

08/01/2013 - 06h00

A ideia é ensinar o básico. "Fruits" (frutas), por exemplo. Mas o "vocabulário técnico", como "condom" (preservativo), também estará presente em aulas de inglês que prostitutas de Belo Horizonte terão para receber os turistas na Copa de 2014.
"Elas vão aprender frutas, verduras, legumes. Mas algumas palavras a gente pode trabalhar mais, no sexo, no fetiche", diz Cida Vieira, 46, presidente da Associação de Prostitutas de Minas Gerais.
Cerca de 20 garotas de programa já se inscreveram para participar do curso gratuito, organizado pela instituição. A expectativa de Cida é que até 300 das 4.000 associadas frequentem as aulas até o final do ano.
As classes de idiomas já têm local para acontecer: uma sala cedida pela Associação dos Amigos da Rua Guaicurus (zona de prostituição de Belo Horizonte).
O grupo busca professores voluntários. A vice-presidente Laura do Espírito Santo, 54 (mas "colocando muita menina de 20 no chinelo"), diz que a associação já conta com psicólogos e médicos voluntários, o que a faz acreditar que não haverá dificuldade.
Se for preciso, porém, serão contratados profissionais.
A ideia é que o curso dure entre seis e oito meses e que as primeiras turmas tenham início até março. A associação planeja ainda aulas de francês e italiano.
Para Pollyana Temponi, 27, "profissional do sexo há três", o inglês vai servir para negociar preço e combinar como vai ser o programa com o cliente.
"Hoje em dia em qualquer profissão você tem que saber inglês", diz.
Outras sonham mais alto: "Vou fazer o curso porque a única coisa que sei falar hoje é 'I love you'. É inglês, né? Te amo? Isso fica difícil falar. Mas talvez, quem sabe? Posso me apaixonar", diz a prostituta C., 54, que não quis ter seu nome divulgado.


quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2013

Is there a proper Muslim way to have sex with animals? Indeed, there is!

Posted on  by actforamericahouston

NOTE: For the best experience, please listen to this while reading the words of the Ayatollah.
Guidelines for sex with animals can be found in the writings of Ayatollah Khomeini. Two excerpts from his writings serve to clarify the matter.
Oh baby! Yes! Yes! YES!!!
“A man can have sex with sheep, cows and camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. (Seems a bit  harsh, don’t you think? –ed) He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine.” Don’t the buyers deserve a discount of some kind?
Khomeini’s “Tahrirolvasyleh” fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990
“If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrement become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.” What if it was really good and invites another lap or two? Must animals always be one-night stands?

Sex with Animals: A Legitimate Sexual Orientation, Or Just Weird?

By: Morning Quickie (View Profile)

This story contains mature or graphic content.Sex with Animals: A Legitimate Sexual Orientation, Or Just Weird?
Animal lovers want recognition.
And I’m not talking about people who love their pets; these are people who want sexual attraction to animals to be recognized as a legitimate sexual orientation.
Bestiality, or zoophilia as they prefer it to be called, has been around since the beginning of time. Sheep herders and farmers have often had sex with animals, but it’s usually joked about or regarded as something done of necessity when no women were available.
Now, instead of just seeing it as a behavior, they want it to be seen as a sexual orientation.
Research has been done on these people and is seems that some legitimately prefer animals.
When hooked up to a penile plethysmograph and shown nude photos of all varieties and ages of humans, the man was decidedly flaccid. Nothing happening down there either when he looked at slides of cats, dogs, sheep, chickens, or cows. But he certainly wasn’t impotent, as the researchers clearly observed when the subject was shown images of horses.
And for those of you who might be thinking they abuse animals with this behavior (“interspecies sexual assault”), zoophiles adamantly disagree.
In other recent surveys, the majority of zoophiles scoffed at the notion that they were abusive toward animals in any way—far from it, they said. Many even consider themselves to be animal welfare advocates in addition to zoophiles.
Because they love animals and care deeply for them, they claim they would never do anything to hurt them. But can these animals actually give consent?
“When that black mare finally just stood there quietly while I cuddled and caressed her, when she lifted her tail up and to the side when I stroked the root of it, and when she left it there, and stood quietly while I climbed upon a bucket, then, breathlessly, electrically, warmly, I slipped inside her, it was a moment of sheer peace and harmony, it felt so right, it was an epiphany.”
But are these all dirty old men who have poor social skills and can’t find a woman?
This case study reveals that, again, it’s not only mentally deficient farmhands that have sex with animals. And neither, it seems, is it simply unattractive, unsavory men who can’t find willing sexual partners of their own species. In fact, shortly after obtaining his medical degree, this particular man married a (human) woman and had two children with her. But their sex life relied on his imagining her to be a horse and—perhaps not surprisingly—the marriage didn’t last.
I’m not sure if that answers the question. He clearly had problems forming a normal relationship with a woman if he had to imagine her as a horse in order to become aroused. But is that such a bad thing? If he prefers to be with horses over humans, should we judge him for this or just let him be?
The American Psychological Association seems to think we should not be judging these people. Although bestiality is illegal in many states, they classify “zoophilia as a disorder only if an individual’s sexual attraction to nonhuman animals causes the person to experience distress.”
So, these people prefer animals over humans, they are not particularly distressed about their sex life, and they care about the animals and apparently wouldn’t hurt them. That doesn’t seem so bad, does it?
That said, if anyone drugs the animals or holds them down and hurts them, they should be punished. The problem here is that how would we know? The animals certainly can’t call the police and file an abuse charge. So, unless they get caught or injured by the animals, there’s no way to know what has happened.
Personally, I think these people may have conditioned themselves into being aroused by animals instead of humans. And some of them may have some serious communication problems that make human relationships difficult. Honestly, I think a lot of them could benefit from therapy and there are probably some deeper issues going on here. But again, is it such a bad thing to just let them be? What do you think?

Via http://www.divinecaroline.com/22078/99584-sex-animals-legitimate-sexual-orientation#ixzz2Gx8KQTnR

European Disintegration: Animal Prostitution

November 27th, 2012 - 2:37 pm

If you ever wondered what lies at the bottom of the slippery slope, go to Germany. There, you will find Europe’s modern moral and cultural bankruptcy on open display. There, you can visit one of many “erotic zoos” and partake in sex with animals for a price.
In a German “erotic zoo,” customers pay to have sex with farm animals. A barnyard pimp collects money from the customers. These businesses are proliferating throughout Germany and Denmark, and are completely legal.
The Telegraph gives us some background to the law’s “enlightened” legalization of bestiality:
Bestiality was legalised in Germany in 1969, the same year that gay sex was also removed from the criminal code. After that, sex with animals was only punishable if the animal was severely injured.

The current proposal would outlaw animal prostitution by banning the pimps at the erotic zoo. That’s right, pimps. The gatekeepers, literally, would be criminalized. If you collect cash from freaks looking for a lamb, it would be a crime for the first time since 1969.
Has Europe really fallen so far so fast?
Except in Muslim communities across most of western Europe, birthrates have crashed. Mohammed is the most popular boy’s name in England. European law is in full retreat. In the Netherlands, you can order a mobile euthanasia van to your house like we order a pizza. In England, the Royal College of Obstetricians support infant euthanasia, a.k.a., murder. The glorious cathedrals of the west are empty on Sundays, except in still-devoutly Catholic countries like Poland and Ireland.
Might the rise of secular, hip Europe have any relation to the rise of erotic zoos?
The spectacle of German heavy-petting zoos has some lessons for us here in the United States. PJ Media’s Zombieroutinely covers the California version of the moral collapse found in the German sheep and bull bordellos. These beastly bordellos pose a vexing question for libertarians here.
Customers at the German erotic zoos consider this a simple lifestyle choice. Alas, the 1969 repeal of German laws got the government out of the bedroom, or perhaps more appropriately, out of the barnyard. And under a libertarian model, cows and pigs are properly considered chattel, mere property like a chair or tractor. If one wants to do things to a chair or tractor they own, then they certainly aren’t hurting anyone else.

Sex with animals to be banned in Norway

Posted by African Press International on September 15, 2012

  • Republished due to public demand: First published on the 17th Nov.2007.
Time to modernize Norway’s Animal Protection Act – Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Johansen.
Bestiality ban proposed:
  • Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Johansen wants Norway’s Animal Protection Act updated to expressly forbid sex with animals.
The existing act only specifies the kicking and beating of animals as abuse, and the agriculture minister now wants to close loopholes.
“This is a punishable offense that shall not occur,” Riis-Johansen told NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
The ban will come into effect with the new Animal Protection Act, which will also prevent violence against animals and the use of live animals as feed or bait.
“It will still be legal to use a riding crop on a horse that must be trained. But beating a dog will be illegal,” the minister said.
According to a 2006 survey of 650 veterinarians last year, bestiality – sex with animals – occurs far more often than people think.
“Every fifth veterinarian has either established or strongly suspected the sexual abuse of one of its animal patients. The extent of sexual abuse of animals is far greater than we had reason to believe at the beginning,” said Live Kleveland of the Norwegian Animal Welfare Alliance.
She said that bestiality was first and foremost a problem with farming animals like cows, pigs, and sheep but also extended to domestic pets like cats and dogs, as well as sporting animals like horses.

Surveillance Video Catches Man Having Sex With Mini Horses

Posted on: 10:46 am, January 2, 2013, by , updated on: 10:49am, January 2, 2013

ORLANDO, FL (WESH) – A Florida woman claims a man tortured and sexually abused her miniature horses. Now, she’s hoping surveillance video of the attacks will help send the suspect to prison for a long time.  
The vet found bodily fluids inside the horse. The Marion county sheriff investigators took a report but they haven’t been much help. The horses owners bought a dog to protect the horses but it was beaten to death as well. So they setup surveillance and a live internet feed. On Saturday the cameras caught him.

They are hoping someone will recognize the person in the video and abby is sending him a warning.
“I’ve never shot a gun in my life but if I catch this man in this barn taking out another one of my horses and he’s gonna traumatize this young horse and hurt her internally like he has my other horses, I will come down and I will kill him.” said Horse Owner Abby Conder.
Florida is one of a handful of states with laws against having sex with animals.  That law passed in 2011.
By:  Travell Eiland

Breaking Amish: Do the Amish people practice bestiality?

Brittany Sonnier Accused Of Engaging In Illicit Acts With Family Dogs

Posted:  Updated: 11/30/2012 8:53 am EST
Brittany Sonnier
Brittany Sonnier is accused of committing "vaginal and oral sex with two canines," according to police.

An Arizona woman who allegedly confessed to her boyfriend that she has sex with dogs and fantasizes about incest has been charged with crimes against nature, police said.
Brittany Angelique Sonnier, 20, is accused of committing "vaginal and oral sex with two canines" in Lake Havasu City, according to police Sgt. Joe Harrold.
"We received a report ... alleging bestiality on the part of Brittany Sonnier. Our investigations bureau investigated the allegations and [then] forwarded a criminal complaint to the county attorney's office," Harrold told The Huffington Post.
Sonnier was arrested on November 21 and charged with bestiality. Those charges were later changed to two counts of "crime against nature."
BRITTANY SONNIER PHOTOS: (Story Continues Below)
Brittany Angelique Sonnier
1 of 11
  • Next
According to a copy of the police report provided to HuffPost, authorities were tipped off in September by a former boyfriend of Sonnier's about her alleged illegal four-legged activities.
The ex-boyfriend, the report states, told police he had started dating Sonnier in March or April. The ex, whose name has been redacted from the police report, said Sonnier seemed, "like a nice, sweet and innocent girl."
Sonnier's ex told police things went well at first between the two and said he enjoyed spending time with both her and her 11-month-old son. However, during mid-summer the relationship changed, and their sex life began to slow down. It was around this time that Sonnier allegedly approached him and asked if they could "talk."
"They sat down and Brittany used his phone to look some things up," the police report states. "He expected Brittany to ask if they could have a threesome or if he wanted to be a swinging couple. He would have been fine with either of those things — he is very open."
The photos, however, indicated different interests, police said.
"Instead, Brittany started to show him pictures of people having sex with animals," the report states. "She told him that she was interested and into having sex with dogs. She went on to tell him that she has been having sex with their family dogs since she was 13 years old."
The report states one of the dogs is about 13 and the other is just a couple years old. They are not identified by breed, but are described as "medium size" dogs in the police report.

READ THE POLICE REPORT: (Story Continues Below)
Brittany Sonnier
The police report further alleges that Sonnier told her boyfriend that she has had "vaginal and oral sex with the dogs" and has trained the animals so they "don't act strange" around other people.
Sonnier also allegedly said she was into incest and pulled up images on the phone of a family of cartoon characters having sex, police said.
The ex-boyfriend told police he was "disturbed and freaked out" and said he told Sonnier "she was disgusting." The two broke up shortly thereafter.
Sonnier's ex told police he first approached her father and informed him of her alleged bizarre sexual preferences. Sonnier's dad, according to the police report, allegedly told him that his daughter had in the past admitted to him that "she has been having sex with the family dogs." Her dad also allegedly said he is in the process of trying to gain custody of his grandson.
The ex-boyfriend told police he suspects Sonnier is pregnant with his child, but said she has refused to take a pregnancy test. He said that, if she is pregnant, he wants her to get help.
Further allegations by her ex-boyfriend in the police report read:
  • She is a sex addict and he thinks she will be an unfit parent.
  • He suspects Brittany started to have sex with animals when she was younger because she couldn't find a partner.
  • He is worried about the child Brittany might be carrying.
Neither Sonnier, her ex-boyfriend nor her father responded to calls and emails requesting comment from The Huffington Post.
According to a Facebook page attributed to Sonnier, she is a 2010 graduate of South View High School in Hope Mills, North Carolina. Under "favorite quotations" Aurdey Hepburn is listed, with the following quote, "I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it."
Harrold told police Sonnier is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 5. It was not immediately clear Thursday if she has an attorney to represent her.


David Lohr

Sex with animals to be illegal in Florida, finally


Remarkably, Floridians cannot currently be prosecuted for sexually abusing animals, but that looks set to change after the state Senate and House approved the bestiality bill.
Gov Rick Scott still needs to sign the bestiality bill (Getty Images)
Gov Rick Scott still needs to sign the bestiality bill (Getty Images)
The bill, which will make bestiality a first-class misdemeanour punishable by up to a year in prison, will become law if Governor Rick Scott signs it off.
Its introduction comes after a long campaign by Senator Nan Rich, who decided to act after a 2007 case that saw a goat die of suffocation while its owner committed a sex act on it.
Sen Rich was outraged to discover bestiality was not a crime in Florida and vowed to ensure the law was changed.
Gov Scott will also have to decide whether to sign off another unusual piece of legislation passed by the House and Senate – a regulation known as the ‘droopy-drawers bill’.
It is designed to force teenagers to pull their trousers up while at school by giving teachers the authority to suspend any pupil who exposes their underwear or backside because of the way they dress.

Monica & Jessica Sexxxton: Mother & Daughter Porn Duo Insist 'We Are Not Incestuous'

Huffington Post UK
  |  By 

Posted:   |  Updated: 03/01/2013 11:11 GMT

A mother-and-daughter porn duo have revealed intimate details of their working relationship, and insist what they are doing does not constitute incest.
Monica and Jessica 'Sexxxton' (not their real surname) have been performing together for a year.
Jessica, 56, exclusively told Radar Online that before embarking on their controversial careers, the pair spoke to a very high profile attorney "to direct us about what we legally can do and what we can't do.
monica and jessica sexxxton
'There's nothing sexual about it, it is a mother-daughter relationship': Monica and Jessica Sexxxton have been starring in porn together for a year
"We can't really do anything together and we wouldn't want to because we really are mom and daughter."
"I have no regrets, we have a wonderful time together and have a great, respectful relationship. There's nothing sexual about it, it is a mother-daughter relationship."
The pair often have sex with one man on camera, but never interact with each other.
Monica, left, says her inspiration is to think of how 'filthy rich' she'll soon be
While these precautions ensure the duo are not legally committing incest, Beverly Hills-based psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman, who has never treated the Sexxxtons, considers their activities to be "emotional incest."
"This crosses so many lines, it's like a labyrinth," Lieberman told HuffPost. "Even if they're not having sex with each other, it has to be titillating to one or both or them, so it crosses the line since sexual arousal comes into the mix."
The pair did however cloud the waters somewhat by using the same interview to boast of having had a threesome in private with one of Jessica's boyfriends. (Jessica recounted: "We were talking about sex and it happened. We all had a good time.")
Monica adds: "I enjoy the sex and I enjoy being with my mom. During the scenes, I think about how we're going to be filthy rich."
By the way, some things are sacred to the Sexxxtons. They've vowed not to be filmed with animals and not to involve Monica's younger brother, whom she reveals is still a virgin.
She explains: "I don't want his first sex experience to be with someone who is just doing it for money and isn't into him."
How sweet.


Tratamento de câncer de próstata pode diminuir órgão sexual

Alguns tratamentos para câncer de próstata podem reduzir o tamanho do pênis, o que leva a queixas de homens insatisfeitos com a vida íntima. O alerta é de uma pesquisa do Instituto do Câncer Dana-Farber e Hospital Brigham and Women's, ambos dos Estados Unidos. Os dados foram divulgados pela publicação Urology.
Os cientistas analisaram 948 homens que tinham sofrido uma recorrência da doença. Vinte e cinco deles (2,63%) reclamaram de pênis menor após o tratamento, principalmente devido à prostatectomia radical (remoção cirúrgica da próstata) e pelo uso de drogas de bloqueio de hormônio masculino combinadas com radioterapia. Investir em apenas radioterapia não levou ao incômodo. 
“O câncer de próstata é um dos poucos cânceres em que os pacientes têm uma gama de terapias à disposição e, por causa da gama de possíveis efeitos colaterais, pode ser uma escolha difícil”, disse o pesquisador Paul Nguyen. “Este estudo diz que, quando o encurtamento do pênis ocorre, realmente afeta o paciente e sua qualidade de vida. É algo que devemos discutir com ele para que ajude a reduzir arrependimentos de tratamento”, concluiu.


Germany Tries to Ban Sex with Animals, Zoophiles Upset

A proposed amendment to the German Animal Welfare Act  to outlaw sex with animals, called zoophilia, has angered ZETA—Zoophiles Committed to Tolerance and Enlightenment--the advocacy group for engaging in the practice of humans having sex with animals (bestiality.)
“Pimping” animals for sex in German farmyards, called “erotic zoos,” has reportedly caused an alarming rise in acts of bestiality, and animal welfare groups have pushed for the ban in an advertising campaign that used dramatic examples of "animal rape," according to the Daily Telegraph.
The amendment would reinstate a similar German law that existed  until 1969, when sex with animals was considered unnatural and was illegal.
Bestiality was legalized in Germany in 1969, the same year that gay sex was also removed from the criminal code. After that, sex with animals was only punishable if the animal was severely injured.
The German coalition government has sanctioned a fine of up to €25,000 ($32,000 US Dollars) against anyone who attempts to or performs sexual acts with animals, German Daily Taz reported.
Agriculture minister Ilse Aigner agreed to change the law to make it illegal for people to “use (animals) for their own sexual activities or sexual acts of third parties” - which also bans the ‘pimping’ of animals to others.
But pro-zoophilia campaign group ZETA — Zoophiles Commitment to Tolerance and Enlightenment — vowed to challenge any ban on bestiality.
ZETA lobbyist Michael Kiok said: “Mere concepts of morality have no business being law.”  
Kiok, who lives with his dog, Cassie, told the Herald Sun there were more than 100,000 zoophiles in Germany.
He said he is worried that if the law took effect the authorities would try to take away his dog.
ZooWiki.com, which claims to be the Wiki for the German zoophile community, asserts:
“Most people who identify themselves as zoophiles distinguish between zoophilia and bestiality…Zoophiles may draw attention to the distinction between bestiality (an act), and Zoophilia (a sexuality), and to the view that those who have sexual contact with animals without an emotional connection are not zoophiles.”
