Friday 6 May 2011 5:08 pm News
Remarkably, Floridians cannot currently be prosecuted for sexually abusing animals, but that looks set to change after the state Senate and House approved the bestiality bill.

The bill, which will make bestiality a first-class misdemeanour punishable by up to a year in prison, will become law if Governor Rick Scott signs it off.
Its introduction comes after a long campaign by Senator Nan Rich, who decided to act after a 2007 case that saw a goat die of suffocation while its owner committed a sex act on it.
Sen Rich was outraged to discover bestiality was not a crime in Florida and vowed to ensure the law was changed.
Gov Scott will also have to decide whether to sign off another unusual piece of legislation passed by the House and Senate – a regulation known as the ‘droopy-drawers bill’.
It is designed to force teenagers to pull their trousers up while at school by giving teachers the authority to suspend any pupil who exposes their underwear or backside because of the way they dress.
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