By: Morning Quickie (View Profile)
This story contains mature or graphic content.

Animal lovers want recognition.
And I’m not talking about people who love their pets; these are people who want sexual attraction to animals to be recognized as a legitimate sexual orientation.
Bestiality, or zoophilia as they prefer it to be called, has been around since the beginning of time. Sheep herders and farmers have often had sex with animals, but it’s usually joked about or regarded as something done of necessity when no women were available.
Now, instead of just seeing it as a behavior, they want it to be seen as a sexual orientation.
Research has been done on these people and is seems that some legitimately prefer animals.
When hooked up to a penile plethysmograph and shown nude photos of all varieties and ages of humans, the man was decidedly flaccid. Nothing happening down there either when he looked at slides of cats, dogs, sheep, chickens, or cows. But he certainly wasn’t impotent, as the researchers clearly observed when the subject was shown images of horses.
And for those of you who might be thinking they abuse animals with this behavior (“interspecies sexual assault”), zoophiles adamantly disagree.
In other recent surveys, the majority of zoophiles scoffed at the notion that they were abusive toward animals in any way—far from it, they said. Many even consider themselves to be animal welfare advocates in addition to zoophiles.
Because they love animals and care deeply for them, they claim they would never do anything to hurt them. But can these animals actually give consent?
“When that black mare finally just stood there quietly while I cuddled and caressed her, when she lifted her tail up and to the side when I stroked the root of it, and when she left it there, and stood quietly while I climbed upon a bucket, then, breathlessly, electrically, warmly, I slipped inside her, it was a moment of sheer peace and harmony, it felt so right, it was an epiphany.”
But are these all dirty old men who have poor social skills and can’t find a woman?
This case study reveals that, again, it’s not only mentally deficient farmhands that have sex with animals. And neither, it seems, is it simply unattractive, unsavory men who can’t find willing sexual partners of their own species. In fact, shortly after obtaining his medical degree, this particular man married a (human) woman and had two children with her. But their sex life relied on his imagining her to be a horse and—perhaps not surprisingly—the marriage didn’t last.
I’m not sure if that answers the question. He clearly had problems forming a normal relationship with a woman if he had to imagine her as a horse in order to become aroused. But is that such a bad thing? If he prefers to be with horses over humans, should we judge him for this or just let him be?
The American Psychological Association seems to think we should not be judging these people. Although bestiality is illegal in many states, they classify “zoophilia as a disorder only if an individual’s sexual attraction to nonhuman animals causes the person to experience distress.”
So, these people prefer animals over humans, they are not particularly distressed about their sex life, and they care about the animals and apparently wouldn’t hurt them. That doesn’t seem so bad, does it?
That said, if anyone drugs the animals or holds them down and hurts them, they should be punished. The problem here is that how would we know? The animals certainly can’t call the police and file an abuse charge. So, unless they get caught or injured by the animals, there’s no way to know what has happened.
Personally, I think these people may have conditioned themselves into being aroused by animals instead of humans. And some of them may have some serious communication problems that make human relationships difficult. Honestly, I think a lot of them could benefit from therapy and there are probably some deeper issues going on here. But again, is it such a bad thing to just let them be? What do you think?
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