Plenary Speakers:

Prof. Jeffrey
Jerome Cohen -George Washington
Dr. Peter
Hutchings - Northumbria University
“Although he was
already repellent enough, there arose from the fungous skin-growth with which
he was almost covered a very sickening stench which was hard to tolerate...
with the use of the [daily] bath the unpleasant odour... ceased to be
~ Sir Frederick

The prominent
surgeon Frederic Treves’s description of Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man,
exposes a body which is simultaneously an assault on the senses and one which
has traditionally been de-sensualised. Deformity is sanitised and fitted into a
structure of normality. The academy tends to obscure the complexity of the
sensuous/sensual/sensed body of the deformed subject, and of the questions,
anxieties, and denials which surround deformity when it is located within a
continuum of sense.
From freak
exhibitions and fairs, medical examinations and discoveries to various
portrayals in arts and literature, images of deformity (or monstrosity, used
separately or interchangeably depending on context) have captivated us for
centuries. The result is a significant body of critical and artistic works
where these bodies are dissected, politicized, exhibited, objectified or even
beatified. Nonetheless, there remains a gap, an unexplored, unspoken or
neglected aspect of this complex field of study which needs further
consideration. This two-day interdisciplinary conference aims to bring the
senses and the sensuous back to the monstrous or deformed body from the early
modern period through to the mid-twentieth century, and seeks to explore its
implications in diverse academic fields.
We hope to bring
together scholars and students from a wide range of disciplines to engage in a
constructive dialogue, network, and exchange ideas and experiences, connecting
a community of researchers who share a fascination with deformity, monstrosity,
and freakery.
Possible topics
may include (but are not limited to):
● Spectacle/fetishisation
of monstrosity and deformity; monstrous sexuality/eroticisation
● The monster as
a catalyst of progression/ historical perspectives
● Monstrous
symbolism, prodigality, or beatification
● The racialised
body; exoticising difference
● Monstrosity in
medical literature; disability narratives
● Monstrous
becoming; the ‘sensed’ body
● Deformed
aesthetics; monstrosity in the visual arts
● (De) gendering
the deformed body; humanisation vs objectification
We welcome
proposals for 20-minute presentations from established scholars, postdoctoral
researchers and postgraduate students from various teratological backgrounds,
e.g. in literature, history, media and art studies, philosophy, religious
studies, history of science,medical humanities, and critical and cultural
theory. Proposals should be no more than 300 words, in .doc format, and should
include a brief 50-word biography.
Please submit
your abstracts no later than 31 January 2012 to
Dr. Karin
Sellberg (The University of Edinburgh)
Ally Crockford
(The University of Edinburgh)
Maja Milatovic
(The University of Edinburgh)
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